[Athen] Dragon on a netbook

Nettie Fischer nettiet at gmail.com
Fri Jun 12 08:20:34 PDT 2009

Ed - I think it is important to be sure that the Acer purchased is the one
with the 1 Gig of Ram, 10" screen and Lithium 6 ion battery. The first
generation is available for around $199 and the mouse pad has the L/R button
on the side of the pad, not the bottom - also the screen is 8.9 ish inches
and it only has 512 M Ram -- Not nearly as efficient and definately not
worthy of a mere $30 dollar savings. Buyers must check the specs before
they buy or they may be greatly disappointed. - I made that mistake but
caught it before I even arrived home - quick refund and off to Costco for
the Good Deal <big smile>


On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 6:18 AM, Ed. Rosenthal <edward at ngtvoice.com> wrote:

> Nettie, et al- I’m at a meeting with some Dragon users…I checked with my

> colleagues and of the two that are using netbooks one said he’s sending it

> back because it won’t run Dragon properly; which we’ve heard from several

> other users. The other said he’s doing okay with Dragon on his. It turns

> out the one that’s supporting DNS reasonably well is an Acer so we may be on

> to something…I’ll speak with both of them later this morning and repost…ed.




> *From:* athen-bounces at athenpro.org [mailto:athen-bounces at athenpro.org] *On

> Behalf Of *Nettie Fischer

> *Sent:* Thursday, June 11, 2009 10:45 PM

> *To:* Access Technology Higher Education Network

> *Subject:* Re: [Athen] Dragon on a netbook




> Good evening,




> I have an Acer Aspire with 1 Gig RAM and 160 G harddrive.and I have

> installed DNS 10.1




> I did it to test the computer and was pleasantly surprised. I used a

> Logitech USB headmic and the recognition was pretty darn good. I had not

> problems establishing a voice profile and when I dictated and used vice

> commands, the accuracy rate was very good. Since I did it as a test run, I

> cannot comment on long term use - just the trial runs with solid accuracy

> and document navigating with voice commands. Ed, I cannot comment on full

> time use of DNS on the netbook, only the test run that I gave it - I will

> give a little workout this summer to see if it serves as a functional option

> for more a rigorous user.




> I also installed Kurzweil, Clicker 4, BoardMaker and SD Pro, TextAloud,

> Read Naturally, Word 2007, Writing with Symbols--- and probably more little

> programs.




> I was amazed that the system not only installed all the software but

> actually was able to use the software as it was intended to be used. The

> one thing I noticed was that the installation process was slow - so, I

> didn't expect it to run as well as it did. --




> I installed my HP Officeject Pro L7780 software and scanned papers into

> Kurzweil and was able to add text boxes, and added text too. <grin>




> I must say that I wanted to add another Gig of Ram on my Acer Aspire but

> when I looked at a video how to on YouTube, I decided against it. I did

> talk to Acer Support and they said the system can have an addtional 1 Gig

> Ram added - but for my needs, it looked like a little too much work.




> I did check to make sure that I purchased the second generation with the

> right/left mouse click pad located below the mouse pad (not on the sides)

> and the system is the 10" screen with the Lithium 6 ion battery. I have

> used the system to test the time usage and have had power for about 6 1/2

> hours with no problems. Oh yes, I did already own a sony external DVD/RW

> drive and that is a need be since netbooks do not have an internal CD ROM

> drive.




> Hope this is helpful --




> Oh yes, I purchased it at Costco and did have an issue with the wireless

> internet access but, I dont think it was the Acer system. I was out of town

> and the hotel had internet access that was popping on and off - when I

> tried to log on it woudl crash and the management was having trouble with

> access on their own computers. I think their crashing messed up the IP

> address; I'm not too techie in that area, but think that is/was the problem

> - there were 3 IP addresses - all with different last three digits - Acer

> said it was my server, my server said it should be working but could not

> explain the different IP addresses - the system log said that 'the computer

> has lost the lease to its IP address -- ..... etc., All I know was that I

> couldn't log on. Returned the system to Costco and got a quick exchange,

> just asked than why I was returning it. The good news is that the cosst

> had been reduced by $20 since I purchased it 6 weeks ago. Good tech

> support from acer, because the system was under the 90 day warranty, they

> suggested I send it in for them to make the necessary fixes.




> I felt better about just exchanging for a new system but, now I need to

> reinstall my software -- Pooh!




> Nettie Fischer


> On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 5:44 AM, Ricky Lee <ricky_lee at ncsu.edu> wrote:


> Has anyone attempted to run Dragon on a netbook? If so, what was the

> performance like?


> Thank you,




> Ricky Lee

> Assistant Director & Coordinator of Assistive Technology


> Disability Services Office

> NC State University

> Phone: 919-513-3556

> TTY: 919-515-8830

> ricky_lee at ncsu.edu

> http://www.ncsu.edu/dso



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> --

> Nettie T. Fischer, ATP

> Assistive Technology Practitioner

> Nettiet, ATP Consultants

> www.nettietatpconsultants.com

> [916] 222-3492 Office

> (916) 704-1456 Cell


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Nettie T. Fischer, ATP
Assistive Technology Practitioner
Nettiet, ATP Consultants
[916] 222-3492 Office
(916) 704-1456 Cell
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