[Athen] FW: Call Congress to Support Funding for New Programs to
Improve Postsecondary Education
Ron Stewart
ron at ahead.org
Wed Mar 25 14:23:14 PDT 2009
Please help with getting this word out, this is such a necessary thing!
Ron Stewart
From: The National Center for Learning Disabilities [mailto:ncld at ncld.org]
Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2009 4:40 PM
To: ron at ahead.org
Subject: Call Congress to Support Funding for New Programs to Improve
Postsecondary Education
<http://ncld.convio.net/site/R?i=aP7otXbNJcN0H6d81UXj7Q..> Plain Newsletter
Dear Ron,
Laura Kaloi <http://ncld.convio.net/images/content/pagebuilder/11593.jpg>
These first few months of 2009 have been exceptionally busy here in
Washington! We have been working hard on issues related to the transition to
the new President's administration, the beginning of a new session of
Congress with many new members, and passing of the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act, which provides unprecedented federal funds for education,
including special education.
Today, I'm writing to ask for your immediate help on another issue. Last
fall Congress passed the long overdue reauthorization of the Higher
Education Act. As a result of our strong and persistent advocacy efforts,
the updated law the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) - includes a
number of exciting new provisions aimed at improving both access to and
success in postsecondary education for students with disabilities.
Now that these new provisions are in the HEOA, it's time to ask our elected
officials to allocate federal funding to get them implemented. The House of
Representatives is currently working on the federal budget for FY 2010,
which begins in just a few short months. These new initiatives will not
happen without specific budget allocations!
Among these new provisions are the:
* National Center for Information and Technical Support for
Postsecondary Students with Disabilities
This new center will assist current and prospective students with
disabilities, assist faculty, staff, and administration of institutions of
higher education to improve services, accommodations, retention rates, and
completion rates of students with disabilities, and evaluate, improve, and
disseminate information related to the delivery of high quality disability
support services at institutions of higher education and report
* Model Demonstration Programs to Support Improved Access to
Postsecondary Instructional Materials for Students with Print Disabilities
These new programs will promote the development of systems to improve the
quality and timely delivery of course materials in specialized formats for
students with print disabilities.
* Teach to Reach
New grants to help prepare general education teachers to be better prepared
to instruct students with disabilities.
In addition, we are asking Congress for continued funding of a grant program
first authorized in 1998:
* Demonstration Projects to Support Postsecondary Faculty, Staff, and
Administrators in Educating Students with Disabilities
Grants made to institutions of higher education for development of model
practices for faculty so that they are skilled in instructing students with
disabilities. Activities for these grants were expanded in the new law and
now include the development of: teaching methods and strategies; effective
transition practices; distance learning; and disability career pathways.
To make all of this a reality, we need your support! By April 1st, please
take the following action to get these exciting new programs going:
* Call your member of the House of Representatives and urge them to
support funding for all of the new provisions in the HEOA designed to
improve postsecondary education for students with disabilities.
To find the contact information for your member of the House of
Representatives, click
<http://ncld.convio.net/site/R?i=imwxTMc8kw_eDd1zR531Yg..> here.
* Ask your House member to express support by signing on to a "Dear
Colleague" letter of support, initiated by Representative Yarmuth (D - KY
3rd District - phone: 202.225.5401).
Together we can make these important new provisions begin to help students
with learning disabilities become more successful in postsecondary education
- helping them to achieve a successful life!
On behalf of the 2.5 million students with learning disabilities and the
professionals who work with them, the National Center for Learning
Disabilities appreciates your continued support.
Laura Kaloi-signature
Laura Kaloi
Public Policy Director
National Center for Learning Disabilities
P.S. Our <http://ncld.convio.net/site/R?i=K307GVMWS9km7Ig_JJ0FuA..> LD
Advocates Guide is always available to assist you with local, state and
federal level policy advocacy efforts on behalf of people with LD.
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