[Athen] PEF and portable braille devices

Sean J Keegan skeegan at stanford.edu
Fri Sep 30 14:00:11 PDT 2011

Hello all,

I am trying to find information about the support for the PEF file type
and portable braille embossers. PEF is the Portable Embosser Format
(http://pef-format.org/) and is, essentially, a method to represent
Braille content in an XML format. The way I think of it is a PDF
version for Braille.

Does anyone know if the PEF format is supported or is under
consideration for support in portable braille devices?

I know the BrailleNote family of devices do not support PEF, but I am
not sure about the other systems.

Take care,

Sean Keegan
Associate Director, Assistive Technology
Office of Accessible Education - Stanford University

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