[Athen] Re: print disability
Heidi Scher
hascherdss at gmail.com
Wed May 23 08:05:09 PDT 2012
Based on the information that you've shared, I too agree that alt media
(full DAISY or audio-only depending on the student's preference) would be
an appropriate and reasonable accommodation. We have numerous students who
have ADD or ADHD and receive alt media. Otherwise, they would never get
through reading assignments! ADD is much more than "an emotional
behavioral disability". It can impact comprehension, memory, recall, etc.
We also have students who have psychiatric disabilities (without ADD) who
receive alt media for the very reasons that Ron stated. We, as disability
resource professionals, have to consider the student as a 'whole' - not
only the impact of their disability, but also any other factors - such as
medication - which pose barriers. If alternate media removes barriers, then
we must provide it.
Heidi Scher, M.S., CRC
Associate Director
Center for Educational Access
University of Arkansas
ARKU 104
Fayetteville, AR 72701
479.575.7445 fax
479.575.3646 tdd
On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 3:33 PM, Jean M Salzer <jeano at uwm.edu> wrote:
> I agree. We provide alt text to quite a few students with ADD/ADHD based
> on their regular issue of information retrieval and overall memory that
> often occurs. It doesn't work for everyone, but for those who do, they
> depend on audio a great deal. Been doing so since the late 90s/early 2000s
> when we were still taping books.
> Jean Salzer
> Today's Topics:
> 1. RE: print disability (Ron Stewart)
> 2. RE: print disability (Lissner, Scott)
> 3. Video - White House Champions of Change - STEM equality for
> people with disabilities (Laurie Vasquez)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 10 May 2012 18:28:07 -0700
> From: "Ron Stewart" <ron at ahead.org>
> Subject: RE: [Athen] print disability
> To: "'Access Technology Higher Education Network'"
> <athen-list at u.washington.edu>
> Message-ID: <034401cd2f15$523312f0$f69938d0$@ahead.org>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> I would also have most likely determined the student to be qualified. It
> is
> not uncommon for the side effects of these meds to cause issues with
> reading
> ability. It is just not the impact of the disability that needs to be
> considered but the impact of the mitigation of the disability as well.
> Under the provisions of the ADAAA it would appear that she qualifies based
> on prior history as well and the recommendation of competent medical
> authority.
> This is an example that I quite often use in my trainings, one of the side
> effect of Bi-Polar medications is the text tends to swim around the
> traditional page. I worked with one student that actually became "seasick"
> when they tried to use standard print while taking their meds.
> Ron Stewart
> -----Original Message-----
> From: athen-list-bounces at mailman1.u.washington.edu
> [mailto:athen-list-bounces at mailman1.u.washington.edu] On Behalf Of Julie
> Balassa
> Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2012 2:38 PM
> To: Access Technology Higher Education Network
> Subject: [Athen] print disability
> Hello. A student with severe bipolar disorder and severe ADD is requesting
> alt format accommodations, which were provided by her previous institution.
> She reports severe and long-standing struggles with reading. The doctor's
> report also mentions struggles with reading and lists alt format as a
> suggested accommodation. The student presents as someone who is heavily
> medicated, sluggish, and confused. When she met with me, she was
> experiencing intrusive side effects of her medications and they were in the
> process of being adjusted. Based on the combination of disabilities, the
> medication issues, the doctor's report, the student's report, and the
> history of alt format accommodations, I gave her alt format of textbooks
> and
> other required materials to determine whether that would approach the
> equally effective communication via printed materials as defined by the
> OCR.
> My decision is being questioned on the premise that her bipolar disorder
> and
> ADD constitute only an emotional behavioral disability that does not
> qualify
> for alt format accommodations. I've passed along the AIM Commission's
> definitions. Any thoughts?
> jkb
> _______________________________________________
> athen-list mailing list
> athen-list at mailman1.u.washington.edu
> http://mailman1.u.washington.edu/mailman/listinfo/athen-list
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Thu, 10 May 2012 21:52:01 -0400
> From: "Lissner, Scott" <Lissner.2 at osu.edu>
> Subject: RE: [Athen] print disability
> To: "Access Technology Higher Education Network"
> <athen-list at u.washington.edu>
> Message-ID:
> <
> EBD87894C53F61468463D6971CB9885A0118D537 at Klondike.admin.ohio-state.edu>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Julie,
> Based on the information you provided I think Ron nailed it. If I were
> working with the student I would likely want to flesh out my
> understanding by asking them about their past experience with Alt.
> Media. What formats/technology were they using; for what kinds of
> materials, what aspects (content, format, ...) worked best and worst;
> ....
> Next week (after noon edt on Monday) AHEAD will be releasing its take on
> what you need to validate disability and accommodation requests; pull
> that to share with the folks questioning your approach.
> L. Scott Lissner, Ohio State University ADA Coordinator, Office Of
> Diversity And Inclusion
> Associate, John Glenn School of Public Affairs
> Lecturer, Knowlton School of Architecture, Moritz College of Law &
> Disability Studies
> President Elect, Association on Higher Education And Disability
> Chair, ADA-OHIO
> Appointed, Ohio Governor's Council For People With Disabilities,
> State HAVA Committee &
> Columbus Advisory Council on Disability Issues
> (614) 292-6207(v); (614) 688-8605(tty) (614) 688-3665(fax);
> Http://ada.osu.edu <http://ada.osu.edu/>
> 291 W. Lane Ave
> <http://www.osu.edu/map/building.php?area=northdorms&building=160> ,
> Columbus, OH 43210-1266
> <http://ada.osu.edu/conferences/2012Conf/2012program.html>
> I would also have most likely determined the student to be qualified.
> It is not uncommon for the side effects of these meds to cause issues
> with reading ability. It is just not the impact of the disability that
> needs to be considered but the impact of the mitigation of the
> disability as well.
> Under the provisions of the ADAAA it would appear that she qualifies
> based on prior history as well and the recommendation of competent
> medical authority.
> This is an example that I quite often use in my trainings, one of the
> side effect of Bi-Polar medications is the text tends to swim around the
> traditional page. I worked with one student that actually became
> "seasick"
> when they tried to use standard print while taking their meds.
> Ron Stewart
> -----Original Message-----
> From: athen-list-bounces at mailman1.u.washington.edu
> <mailto:athen-list-bounces at mailman1.u.washington.edu>
> [mailto:athen-list-bounces at mailman1.u.washington.edu]
> <mailto:[mailto:athen-list-bounces at mailman1.u.washington.edu]> On
> Behalf Of Julie Balassa
> Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2012 2:38 PM
> To: Access Technology Higher Education Network
> Subject: [Athen] print disability
> Hello. A student with severe bipolar disorder and severe ADD is
> requesting alt format accommodations, which were provided by her
> previous institution.
> She reports severe and long-standing struggles with reading. The
> doctor's report also mentions struggles with reading and lists alt
> format as a suggested accommodation. The student presents as someone who
> is heavily medicated, sluggish, and confused. When she met with me, she
> was experiencing intrusive side effects of her medications and they were
> in the process of being adjusted. Based on the combination of
> disabilities, the medication issues, the doctor's report, the student's
> report, and the history of alt format accommodations, I gave her alt
> format of textbooks and other required materials to determine whether
> that would approach the equally effective communication via printed
> materials as defined by the OCR.
> My decision is being questioned on the premise that her bipolar disorder
> and ADD constitute only an emotional behavioral disability that does not
> qualify for alt format accommodations. I've passed along the AIM
> Commission's definitions. Any thoughts?
> jkb
> _______________________________________________
> athen-list mailing list
> athen-list at mailman1.u.washington.edu
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Fri, 11 May 2012 10:03:31 -0700
> From: "Laurie Vasquez" <Vasquez at sbcc.edu>
> Subject: [Athen] Video - White House Champions of Change - STEM
> equality for people with disabilities
> To: <athen-list at u.washington.edu>
> Message-ID: <4FACE3F2.1869.00F8.1 at sbcc.edu>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> http://govne.ws/item/Champions-of-Change-STEM-Equality-for-People-with-Disabilities
> ------------------------------
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> End of athen-list Digest, Vol 76, Issue 9
> *****************************************
> --
> Peace.
> Jean Salzer, Sr. Counselor
> BVI Program/Alternative Text Coordinator
> Student Accessibility Center
> UW-Milwaukee
> 414-229-5660, Mitchell Hall B16
> When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to
> change ourselves.
> —Victor Frankl
> ********************************************
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