[Athen] OT - Gmail help needed

Karlen Communications info at karlencommunications.com
Sat Aug 31 05:50:04 PDT 2013

This is frustrating. I created a Gmail account over a year ago and haven't
used it because I always had password issues.

I'm working on something now that having access to my Gmail account would
come in handy.

I've tried to reset my password "several" times without success. I end up in
a circle of is this you, yes it is me, the information doesn't match what we
have, is this you, yes this is me, the information we have doesn't match.

At one point in the process you can say that you don't remember the password
but then two screens later it requires your old password.

I found a 1-888 number with a google.com reference for support and called
it. I think it might be similar to the Microsoft scam because the guy tried
to tell me that spyware on my computer/despite Norton had corrupted my Gmail
account. He wanted to put something on my computer and charge me for it. He
also wanted access to my computer. All I wanted was for him, if he was
working for Google as support, to help me reset my password and fix the
problem on the Gmail end.

All I want to do is to reset my password!

It shouldn't be that hard and if my account has been corrupted, how do I fix

At this point I don't know what is going on with the account. Google is of
no help and I'm certainly not going to pay someone to put a block on my
router to stop the spyware.

Any help would be appreciated! Please e-mail off list.

Cheers, Karen

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