[Athen] please resend to list - Peoplesoft and JAWS
Greg Kraus
greg_kraus at ncsu.edu
Tue Sep 3 10:59:56 PDT 2013
The other thing I didn't mention is it can also depend on which
version of the application you are using. This number is different
than the version of PeopleTools you are running. I think some more
accessibility features started showing up in version 9.1+.
Honestly, keeping up with all of the versioning numbers with
PeopleSoft products is a nightmare. You have the version of
PeopleTools, then the version of the Applications, and not all
applications have to be using the same version - some can be old and
some can be new, all in the same environment. Every time I sit down
with our PeopleSoft developers I feel like we have to have a 5 minute
recap of what all versions we are on and what all of it means.
On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 12:57 PM, Greg Kraus <greg_kraus at ncsu.edu> wrote:
> Hi Jean,
> There are a couple of things that may help, but some of this will be
> out of your control. These recommendations are based on how we have
> implemented PeopleSoft, so I'm not 100% sure if it will apply in your
> context.
> 1. The version of PeopleTools (the environment all of the PeopleSoft
> Apps are written and delivered in) makes a big difference in
> accessibility support. I believe PeopleTools 8.51 was where they made
> some significant accessibility improvements. (I hesitate saying
> significant, because that implies I might be happy with it. It is
> significant in that it is better than the older version of
> PeopleTools.) Moving all of your apps to a newer version of
> PeopleTools is a major undertaking. You just need to ask your
> PeopleSoft developers what version of PeopleTools you are running.
> 2. It depends on if you are using PeopleTool's built-in UI components.
> When you use the default PeopleTools UI elements, they know for the
> most part how to also display themselves accessibly when a certain
> flag is set (see #3 below). If you are developing your own UI and are
> simply using the PeopleSoft business logic to do most of the work,
> like using it as an API, then you are responsible for providing
> accessibility support for your UI.
> 3. There is a user variable that you can set to always display the UI
> in the accessible view. It is in the user's preferences, although it
> is not always the easiest thing to find. I'm not sure how much of this
> language is customized for our version of PeopleSoft, but once I log
> in I need to go to "My Personalizations", then "Personalize General
> Options", then "Accessibility Features", and set it to "Use
> accessible layout mode". You will most likely need to log out and back
> in for the setting to take full effect. Depending on other
> circumstances and the type of disability the user may need someone
> else to make this setting for them initially.
> With #3, your PeopleSoft developers might not even know this feature
> exists. One problem we ran into was the user could make that setting
> in our "Portal", which is just the landing page you get to after
> logging in, but the setting didn't automatically propagate down to the
> individual apps. Our developers had to do something to make that
> happen. It wasn't hard, but it is something that can get overlooked
> when an underlying app gets updated.
> Again, we have a fairly robust implementation of PeopleSoft, so our
> environment may be a little different than yours. I hope some of this
> helps. If your developers need some help with the implementation of
> this I could put them in touch with some of our PeopleSoft developers.
> Greg
> --
> Greg Kraus
> University IT Accessibility Coordinator
> NC State University
> 919.513.4087
> gdkraus at ncsu.edu
> On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 12:22 PM, Jean M Salzer <jeano at uwm.edu> wrote:
>> There was so much chatter about mathtype - not sure if anyone saw my query
>> regarding peoplesoft/oracle and JAWS.
>> Message: 2
>> Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 15:21:07 -0500 (CDT)
>> From: Jean M Salzer <jeano at uwm.edu>
>> Subject: [Athen] Accessible Instant Messaging Client?
>> PeopleSoft/Oracle Access?
>> To: athen-list at u.washington.edu
>> Message-ID: <782116435.802863.1377807667752.JavaMail.root at uwm.edu>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>> Hello,
>> WE have a new blind staff member in our Graduate School who uses Jaws. The
>> IT person for the school and the university have been trying to learn more
>> about accessibility related to the following items.
>> 1. PeopleSoft (student information) tool: I've spoken with students of mine
>> who have said that PeopleSoft is workable to a certain point, then they just
>> prefer a sighted person. If I'm not mistaken, we were able to get Jaws and
>> PeopleSoft to play nice up to the point a person needed to search for a
>> class or a grade or whatever. This is, of course, several versions ago.
>> The staff member is fairly adept at Jaws and yet is unable to get into the
>> screen past the login. She has tried the usual keystroke combinations and
>> can't get anything going. I've advised the Grad School's tech person to
>> contact the company, but in the meantime, thought I'd see what others had to
>> say.
>> Peace.
>> Jean Salzer, Sr. Counselor
>> BVI Program/Alternative Text Coordinator
>> Accessibility Resource Center
>> UW-Milwaukee
>> 414-229-5660, Mitchell Hall B16
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