[Athen] AltFormat Survey

Sean Keegan skeegan at stanford.edu
Wed Apr 2 10:08:26 PDT 2014

Hi Ron,

This is just a quick list of thoughts off the top of my head and they may/may not be appropriate for what you are interested in surveying. A few questions that come to mind:

- In terms of STEM content, I would suggest distinguishing between the production vs. consumption of such materials. I have found that the production workflow of STEM content can be dependent on the device/application used to read and consume said content. That said, what are the production processes that offices are using? What are timelines associated with such content and are these timelines different than non-STEM content?

- In terms of library support, what are institutions doing to support the conversion processes of library materials? Is the library responsible or is it the disability services office? What are timelines associated with such conversion requests? Who has responsibility for interacting with the student and who is responsible for the actual production?

- In terms of captioning, what are the roles of different offices on campus for providing captioned materials? Do some offices have responsibility for responding to captioning requests vs. other offices captioning materials prior to release? Are institutions captioning everything, requested media only (i.e., when there is a student/staff need), or only public facing materials?
Note - I added this item as captioning is sometimes lumped under Alt Format at institutions - if not pertinent to the survey, then feel free to discard.

- In terms of online courses, how are alt format services being provided to students at a distance, particularly if such alternate formats involve braille and/or tactile graphics? With regards to MOOCs, are institutions providing alt format support? What happens when the platform and content provided is not accessible and the only way to participate would be via alt format accommodations?

- In terms of the "flipped classroom" model, how is alternate format being supported when the student is expected to watch a video of a PowerPoint slideshow (and answer questions) prior to the classroom lecture? What timelines and requirements are involved in such flipped classroom situations when the materials are uploaded 24-hours prior to the class?

- In terms of student alt format requests, how are "micro-jobs" being handled? Note - I define a micro-job as one in which the prof provides a handout/reading assignment 1-2 days before the next class meeting. The job itself may be big or small in terms of the alt format time investment, but is not necessarily a full textbook production.

In terms of formats, what is the production level for DAISY, ePub 2/3, MS Word, MP3, PDF, Kindle, etc. at institutions? Is this correlated with the types of AT applications supported at an institution?

Take care,

On Apr 2, 2014, at 7:06 AM, "Ron Stewart" <ron at altformatsolutions.com> wrote:

> Good morning all I have been asked to develop a survey of the biggest challenges in the AltFormat space. Can you send me what you find to be the "pain points" in the provision and delivery of your alt format obligations I will work with my team to develop a survey that will be distributed in the coming months.


> Ron Stewart


> *******************************************************************************

> Ron Stewart

> Managing Consultant

> Altformat Solutions LLC


> 8300 West Weller St

> Yorktown, IN 47396

> Mobile: 609 213-2190

> Fax: 765 405-1484


> ron at altformatsolutions.com

> www.altformatsolutions.com


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