[Athen] Question regarding Tutoring Tracking Software

Buchmiller, Peggy PBuchmiller at columbiabasin.edu
Tue Dec 2 12:56:36 PST 2014

We saw a program called " Flash Notes" at the AHEAD conference in Sacramento that might do what you want. www.flashnotes.com<http://www.flashnotes.com>

Peggy Buchmiller, M.Ed
Assistant Dean,
Student Programs and Support Services
Director, Resource Center
Columbia Basin College

From: athen-list [mailto:athen-list-bounces at mailman13.u.washington.edu] On Behalf Of Dimac, Marcie
Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2014 11:22 AM
To: athen-list; athen-list-request at mailman13.u.washington.edu; athen-list at u.washington.edu
Subject: [Athen] Question regarding Tutoring Tracking Software

Afternoon all!

I provide technology support and recommendations to my unit and we are currently investigating technology solutions for tracking the effectiveness of our note-takers. Ideally, we would like a system that:

1. Allows us to track students who are "matched" with note-takers.
2. Allow notetakers to "submit" notes online which will then be automatically "distributed" to the student, or at the minimum, placed in a virtual container for the appropriate student/recipient to access when they log in.
3. Allow us to generate reports based on how frequently note-takers log-in, submit notes, etc.
I have no clue if such a thing exists - but I can say we already use a program that tracks accommodations for us (AIM) and although it has some features for note-taking, I don't believe it will have all the "bells and whistles" we want.

Also, do you know how your department is tracking note-takers? Any suggestions?

Thanks, as always, for your insight! Also, feel free to pass this question to others who might have some input!


Marcie Dimač, M.A. Ed.

Coordinator, Assistive Technology
Student Accessibility Services
Kent State University
Ground Floor, Rm. 23
DeWeese Center
P.O. Box 5190
Kent, Ohio 44242

Phone: 330-672-3391
Fax: 330-672-3763
Email: mdimac at kent.edu<mailto:mdimac at kent.edu>


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