[Athen] captions and transcripts for media
Samantha Johns
samanj at pdx.edu
Tue Aug 11 15:14:35 PDT 2015
Thank you
* <http://www.pdx.edu/oai/>*
*Samantha Johns*
*Accessibility & **Course Support Specialist *
Portland State University
1825 SW Broadway
Smith Memorial Student Union, Mezzanine 209
Portland OR 97201
(503) 725-5642
On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 2:25 PM, Shannon Aylesworth <
shannon.aylesworth at pepnet.org> wrote:
> Hi Samantha,
> I work with pepnet 2 (pn2), which is a federally funded project whose
> mission is to increase the education, career, and lifetime choices
> available to individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. We do this by
> supporting the professionals who work with these individuals. I saw your
> post and shared it with my colleague who is very familiar with offline and
> post production captioning matters. Here’s what she had to say:
> 1. Do we need captions for feedback videos that faculty make that
> will only be used once, if there are no known/registered students with
> disabilities in the course? Captions should be added to all videos, even
> those used once, if there is a deaf or hard of hearing (D/HH) student in
> the class and the video is being shown to all students. If the instructor
> creates a separate feedback video for individual students and only that
> student sees the video then only the video for the D/HH student would need
> to be captioned. If there are no D/HH students in the class and the video
> is only shown in that class then it does not have to be captioned.
> 2. Do we need captions for videos that are only used once? If a
> D/HH student is in the class or has access to the video then it should be
> captioned no matter how many times it is used. D/HH students should have
> equal access to classroom content in all formats.
> 3. At Webaim training best practice was suggested to provide
> transcripts for audio descriptions as audio descriptions require complex
> editing capabilities. Adding descriptions to a video is more complicated
> than adding captions. However, if you have a blind student in the class
> you need to provide equal access to video content. If the video is a
> talking head and there is no visual content that adds meaning then
> descriptions may not be required. However, if the video is a demonstration
> then it would not be helpful at all to a blind student without
> descriptions. The Described and Captioned Media Program (DCMP) has
> guidelines for descriptions that might be helpful. You can view the DCMP *Description
> Key!* here https://dcmp.org/descriptionkey/ <https://dcmp/> and the DCMP *Captioning
> Key!* here https://dcmp.org/captioningkey/.
> Pn2 also has several resources on the topic of offline or post production
> captioning.
> · *Access: Post-Production / Offline Captioning* is an online
> training module that is available 24/7, takes approximately two hours to
> complete, and is free of charge. The module reviews guidelines for
> captions, discusses laws pertaining to captioning, and compares various
> methods of creating captions. Participants who successfully complete the
> training receive a certificate that verifies completion of the two hour
> training. You can learn more about the training module and how to access
> the course here http://pepnet.org/training/access-offline-captioning.
> · *Post Production Community of Practice *is a forum of
> professionals who share issues, challenges, or concerns as it relates to
> media access for students who are deaf or hard of hearing. You can learn
> more about this community and how to access it here http://pepnet.org/cop
> · There are also several resources on the topic of offline
> captioning here
> http://pepnet.org/resources/access-and-accommodations/Offline%20Captioning
> Please feel free to contact me directly or email pepnet 2 (help at pepnet.org)
> if you have any other questions. We look forward to working with you!
> Sincerely,
> Shannon Aylesworth
> --
> *Shannon Aylesworth*
> *Pepnet 2 <http://www.pepnet.org/> at University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
> <http://uwm.edu/arc/>*
> [image: http://www.pepnet.org/sites/all/themes/pepnet/logo.png]
> The project is funded by the Research to Practice Division, Office of
> Special Education Programs and the US Department of Education via Grant
> Award #H326D110003. Funding is provided from October 1, 2011 to September
> 30, 2016.
> *From:* athen-list [mailto:athen-list-bounces at mailman13.u.washington.edu] *On
> Behalf Of *Samantha Johns
> *Sent:* Tuesday, August 11, 2015 2:09 PM
> *To:* webaim-forum at list.webaim.org; Access Technology Higher Education
> Network <athen-list at u.washington.edu>
> *Subject:* [Athen] captions and transcripts for media
> Hello,
> - Do we need captions for feedback videos that faculty make that will
> only be used once, if there are no known/registered students with
> disabilities in the course?
> - Do we need captions for videos that are only used once?
> - At Webaim training best practice was suggested to provide
> transcripts for audio descriptions as audio descriptions require complex
> editing capabilities.
> Please let me know what everyone is doing about these?
> * <http://www.pdx.edu/oai/>*
> *Samantha Johns*
> *Accessibility & Course Support Specialist *
> Portland State University
> 1825 SW Broadway
> Smith Memorial Student Union, Mezzanine 209
> Portland OR 97201
> (503) 725-5642
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