[Athen] notetaking solution that will sync notes/audio usable by blind student who doesn't know braille

Jill Roter roterjill at gmail.com
Thu Jul 9 11:11:50 PDT 2015

Hi all,
While I'm not providing direct service to students in my current role, when
I worked with students with disabilities using smartpens, The issue was
similar; it is hard to listen and write quickly enough to get an accurate
synch with the audio. I recommended using keywords such as "remember this,"
"important," or jotting down keywords germane to the topic being addressed
by the professor. I wonder if a similar strategy could be employed in this
case to address the lag between typing and audio. It would require the
student to come up with a system or language of sorts, to track his or her
notes, but it may be worth a try if all else falls short.

-Jill Roter

On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 2:02 PM, Alexa Schriempf <ats169 at psu.edu> wrote:

> You state VoiceOver so I'm assuming you need a mac platform? That

> constrains things a bit....if perhaps a PC could be used, OneNote by

> Microsoft is a possibility? I have not tested this for a blind user.


> I do suspect that the time lag between audio and the typing out of the

> notes is a big problem, which isn't addressed satisfactorily by any tool

> that syncs typed text to audio on the fly, unless one can type REALLY fast.

> What do others think about this? It is the one reason that I have not taken

> up either the Livescribe Pen or Audio Note in my own content-capture

> practices.


> There is AudioNotetaker by Sonocent. This is a dream. It requires you to

> change your entire workflow as a content-capturer, but that's the point.

> And, if you are willing to put in time after class to clean up and organize

> your notes, you're absolutely assured of learning the material as well.

> However, I do not know if it's screen reader friendly. Josh Hori can

> address that, and I copy him above to make sure he gets this question.

> (Sorry, Josh! LOL!)


> -lex


> On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 1:51 PM, KRISTA L. GREEAR <greeark at uw.edu> wrote:


>> Looking for the collective wisdom of this listserv -- do we know of any

>> solutions where a blind student (who doesn't know braille) can

>> simultaneously (a) take notes in class while (b) recording the lecture and

>> (c) have the audio recording sync to his notes? Similar idea to a smartpen

>> or audio recording/notetaking app.


>> Just tested AudioNote with VoiceOver and it looks promising. I can record

>> the professor without hearing VO's commands (as long as I have headphones

>> plugged in and used in one ear so I can hear both VO and the prof). I can

>> take notes although pecking the notes one at a time lengthens the time

>> difference between the note and what the professor said.


>> However, I can't selected a desired note and activate the audio recording

>> that occurred when the note was originally typed. At least, I wasn't able

>> to figure it out in 10 mins or less.


>> The search notes feature is lacking for screen reader users. The

>> indicator is strictly visually based with no VO notifications that a search

>> was successful.


>> Open to all suggestions,



>> Krista Greear

>> University of Washington | Disability Resources for Students

>> Accessible Text & Technology Manager

>> 011 Mary Gates Hall | Box 352808

>> Seattle, WA 98195-2808 | disability.uw.edu/




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> --

> Alexa Schriempf, PhD

> Access Tech Consultant

> https://sites.psu.edu/aschriempf/




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