[Athen] Assistive Listening in the Classroom

Buchmiller, Peggy PBuchmiller at columbiabasin.edu
Tue Jul 14 13:06:28 PDT 2015

Please share as our college is also looking at updating our hearing assistive systems.

Peggy Buchmiller, M.Ed
Assistant Dean,
Student Programs and Support Services
Director, Resource Center
Columbia Basin College

From: athen-list [mailto:athen-list-bounces at mailman13.u.washington.edu] On Behalf Of Nazely Kurkjian
Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2015 12:41 PM
To: DSSHE-L at listserv.buffalo.edu; athen-list at u.washington.edu
Subject: [Athen] Assistive Listening in the Classroom

Dear Colleagues,

Our Educational Communications (EdComm) department is currently using the Sennheiser A200 and the Sennheiser IS410 headsets (connecting to SI 30 modulators and emitters) for classrooms seating over 50 and containing a public address system. These systems were chosen in the early 2000’s as the easiest to install and use (at the time). We have not looked at any competing product to these headsets in at least 8 years.

We’d very much like to hear if you have information regarding contemporary assisted listening systems. What do you like? What don’t you like? What have you tried? Did it work? Are the ones that work complimentary to the portable units that your office hands out?

We’ll be installing a system in August in our Learning Studio. We're fine with continuing to use the Sennheisers but we are interested if there’s a better product. We are most interested in replacing the older Sennheiser headsets. If you're aware of some kind of modulator/emitter than makes more sense, please let us know as well.

FYI - The Services for Students with Disabilities office (SSD) currently has several Phonak Roger MyLink Receivers and Roger Inspiro Transmitters to loan out to students.

Many thanks,

Nazely Kurkjian
"Shame on us... If we let the wonders of educational technology and broadband internet lead to more inequality as opposed to less"

Adaptive Technology Specialist
Services for Students with Disabilities - UU 119
Binghamton University
Phone: 607-777-2686
Email: kurkjian at binghamton.edu<mailto:kurkjian at binghamton.edu>
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