[Athen] Fwd: Workshop Automated Handwritten Text Recognition Transkribus

Lisa Brandt lisa.brandt1 at pcc.edu
Wed Nov 18 09:31:27 PST 2015

This is primarily for archivists and computer scientists, but I thought
there might be some overlap of interest for those of us working in
accessibility. Transkribus is a suite of software and services hosted by
the University of Innsbruck that provides handwritten text recognition
(HTR) and other features. ABBYY Fine Reader is included for OCR of printed
documents. It is free but not open source.

------- Forwarded message -------
From: "Joris van Zundert" <joris.van.zundert at gmail.com>
To: TEI-L at listserv.brown.edu
Subject: Fwd: Workshop Automated Handwritten Text Recognition Transkribus
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2015 06:07:54 -0800

Dear list members,

Apologies for possible cross posting. I'd thought colleagues in the field
might be interested in the following workshop announcement.

All the best
--Joris van Zundert


November 2015)

The workshop introduces Transkribus and is organized by Huygens ING, INL
and the tranScriptorium project. Transkribus is developed in the EU funded
project tranScriptorium, a research infrastructure for transcribing and
automated text recognition of historical documents.

Automated recognition of handwritten documents (HTR) is no longer wishful
thinking but a real option. Whether it concerns medieval codices or modern
archival documents, HTR is not only able to create an automated
transcription, it also offers significantly improved search capabilities
through new search methods (“keyword spotting”).

Until recently, intensive efforts by specialized researchers have been the
only way to make the content of the resolutions accessible. In the new
project, alternative ways to make the content of the resolutions
accessible for researchers and other users are explored. Huygens-ING
carries out a number of pilot projects to clarify to which extent advanced
ICT techniques and tools can reduce the dependency on manual labor.
Working with HTR is one of these pilots.

The workshop shows preliminary results of a training set of the 17th
century resolutions of the Dutch Staten-Generaal (Estates General), of
automated structuring of printed 18th century resolutions. Moreover, it
also offers a hands-on Transkribus session for the participants.

The transcripts of the Resolutions of the States-General consist of
200.000 pages of handwritten text that not only reflect the invention and
early development of the new Dutch State, but also are a witness of the
daily political activities of the “Hoogmogende Heren”.


Automated Handwritten Text Recognition – Transkribus and the project
‘Resolutions of the Dutch States-General’. Friday, 27 November 2015 The
10.30-12.15 Lectures – This session offers an insight into the technology
behind Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR), introduces the Transkribus
platform and will reveal the results of HTR applied to the resolutions of
the Dutch Staten-Generaal. In addition, it shows the results automated
structuring and interpretation of printed 18th century resolutions.
10.00 Walk in, coffee and tea
10.30 Introduction by Lex Heerma van Voss, director of the Huygens ING
10.40 Véronica Romero (Universitat Politècnica de València) –
Interactive Handwritten Text Recognition and indexing of historical
documents: the tranScriptorum Project
11.00 Ronald Sluijter (Huygens ING) – Introduction to the Resolutions of
the Staten-Generaal
11.10 Jesse de Does (Institute for Dutch Lexicology) – HTR on the
hand-written Resolutions of the Staten-Generaal
11.30 Walter Ravenek (Huygens ING)– Structure and interpretation of the
printed Resolutions of the Staten-Generaal 1725
11.50 Günter Mühlberger (University of Innsbruck)- Recognition and
Enrichment of Archival Documents – the READ Project. e-Infrastructure for
Humanities Scholars, Archives, Computer Scientists and the Public.
12.15 Lunch
13.30 Hands-on session Transkribus
During the second part the participants get the opportunity to try out
Transkribus on their own laptops to get a sense of the stage the
technology is in and what it can mean for their own work.

For this goal we ask participants to install Transkribus beforehand.
Instructions for this will be send to you prior to the meeting.

16.00 Drinks


Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands, Prins
Willem-Alexanderhof 5, The Hague (the Netherlands)

EU FP7 Projekt tranScriptorium: http://transcriptorium.eu/
TRANSKRIBUS Plattform: http://transkribus.eu/

Register via: congres at huygens.knaw.nl. Please indicate whether you intend
to attend just the morning program or the hands-on session as well.

The workshop is aimed at scholars who are involved in the transcription
and editing of historical documents. The number of participants is
limited, registrations will be accepted in the order of arrival.
Registration deadline is 20 November 2015.

Please bring your own laptop to the Workshop!

Drs. Joris J. van Zundert
Researcher & Developer Digital and Computational Humanities

Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences


Jack Sparrow: I thought you were supposed to keep to the code.
Mr. Gibbs: We figured they were more actual guidelines.

Lisa Brandt, PCC Disability Services
Accessibility Technician
Alternate Media Formats Technician
SE SCOMM 112 | SY CC 260
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