[Athen] Responsibility of departments linking to faculty person sites

Wink Harner foreigntype at gmail.com
Wed Nov 30 14:49:58 PST 2016

Hi ATHENites,

As part of the advisory committee on website accessibility at my previous college in AZ, we pushed the president to OK our mission: to examine the accessibility of every instructor’s personal web pages. We created a “tree” of permissible links: Department pages, faculty pages, adjunct faculty pages. We created an accessibility template for instructors’ webpages. Everything beyond Department/faculty/adjunct pages in the tree were eliminated (with advance warning to the faculty that the website advisory committee would be doing this). We only permitted a limited number of identified and trained people in each department to made edits to the department or faculty webpages.

If you have faculty or departments which are behaving like the cats in the Herding Cats Superbowl commercial some years ago, this stricter type approach might be a good starting place to bring folks into line. The reins can be loosened up once the faculty realize it applies to everyone and that changing their website(s) –perhaps offering training and support through your faculty support offices– serves the purpose of bringing all of the college together to the same standards of accessibility and “look.” Simultaneously, of course, it brings every faculty member’s page into compliance.

A thought to consider on a cold, rainy Wednesday in Portland OR.


Wink Harner

Adaptive Technology Consulting & Training

Alternative Text & Media Production

The Foreigntype

<mailto:foreigntype at gmail.com> foreigntype at gmail.com

<mailto:winkharner1113 at gmail.com> winkharner1113 at gmail.com

(Disclaimer: this email was dictated with Dragon NaturallySpeaking. Please forgive any quirks, mis-recognitions, or omissions.)

From: athen-list [mailto:athen-list-bounces at mailman13.u.washington.edu] On Behalf Of Howard Kramer
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2016 2:18 PM
To: Access Technology Higher Education Network
Subject: Re: [Athen] Responsibility of departments linking to faculty person sites

Thanks Heidi, Joseph.


On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 2:45 PM, Heidi Scher <hascherdss at gmail.com> wrote:

I would second Joseph's comments. It's a two-prong question. Is it on an EDU domain? Yes, then must be accessible. No, then it depends on content and use. If any information is related to student use, then the site should be accessible. That's what we preach to faculty - any sites which they include in their course information should be accessible.



Heidi Scher, M.S., CRC

Associate Director - Assistive Technology --- Center for Educational Access

University of Arkansas --- 209 ARKU --- Fayetteville, AR 72701

479.575.3104 <tel:(479)%20575-3104> ph --- 479.575.7445 <tel:(479)%20575-7445> fax --- 479.575.3646 <tel:(479)%20575-3646> tdd


Heidi Scher, M.S., CRC
Associate Director
Center for Educational Access
University of Arkansas
ARKU 209
Fayetteville, AR 72701
479.575.3104 <tel:(479)%20575-3104>
479.575.7445 <tel:(479)%20575-7445> fax
479.575.3646 <tel:(479)%20575-3646> tdd

On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 3:21 PM, Joseph Sherman <Joseph.Sherman at cuny.edu> wrote:

I’d think it depends on the content and context of the faculty site. If it is a math professor’s personal page, where the page is not under the edu domain, detailing his love of opera or hobbies, then I probably wouldn’t worry about it. However if it contains course related material or information students need to acquire for a course, the student must receive the same benefits or service as other students.


From: athen-list [mailto:athen-list-bounces at mailman13.u.washington.edu] On Behalf Of Howard Kramer
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2016 4:05 PM
To: Access Technology Higher Education Network <athen-list at u.washington.edu>
Subject: [Athen] Responsibility of departments linking to faculty person sites

Hello All:

Does anyone know what the responsibility of academic departments are when linking to faculty personal sites, which may not be accessible. What is considered the best practice and is it the department’s responsibility for ensuring external resources are accessible?




Howard Kramer

Conference Coordinator

Accessing Higher Ground

303-492-8672 <tel:(303)%20492-8672>

cell: 720-351-8668 <tel:(720)%20351-8668>

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Howard Kramer

Conference Coordinator

Accessing Higher Ground


cell: 720-351-8668

Join us for the <http://accessinghigherground.org/> Accessing Higher Ground Conference in Denver, Colorado, Nov 14-18, 2016. Request for proposals will be announced at the beginning of March.

Complete program information and registration is open for our full line-up of webinars, <http://ahead.org/learn/virtual-learning/webinars> AHEADtoYOU! And the <http://ahead.org/learn/virtual-learning/at_webinars_15_16> Technology Access Series. Site capacities for all webinar events is limited; please register at your earliest convenience for the largest selection.

Not yet a member of AHEAD? <http://ahead.org/join/become-a-member> We welcome you to join AHEAD now.

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