[Athen] AIM database users
Krista Greear
greeark at uw.edu
Thu Dec 7 12:35:10 PST 2017
For schools registered with AIM, you can see a list of 7 schools Sample Testing Agreements<https://manual.accessiblelearning.com/display/LIONHEAD/Website+Controls%3A+Alternative+Testing#WebsiteControls:AlternativeTesting-TestingAgreement/AgreementSamples>. Email support at accessiblelearning.com<mailto:support at accessiblelearning.com> if you don't have access to the manual because it's locked to your school's IP Address.
Assistant Director
Disability Resources for Students
011 Mary Gates Hall
Box 352808
Seattle, WA 98195-2808
Direct: 206.221.4136 / Main: 206.543.8924
greeark at uw.edu/ http://disability.uw.edu
-----Original Message-----
From: Disabled Student Services in Higher Education [mailto:DSSHE-L at LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU] On Behalf Of Kimberley Smith
Sent: Thursday, December 7, 2017 12:10 PM
Subject: AIM database users
For those schools who use the AIM database for managing accommodations (that's Accessible Information Management) and you use the testing module, would you be able to share your template for your school's testing contract? That is, what questions do you ask faculty on the testing contract?
We are trying to improve the process for faculty and for our workflow, and I figured some schools may have excellent examples.
Thanks in advance!
Kimberley J. Smith
Access Specialist
Disabilities Resource Center
352-395-4429 (voice)
352-395-4100 (fax)
Santa Fe College
Building S, Suite 229
3000 NW 83rd St.
Gainesville, FL 32606
Please note that Florida has a broad public records law, and that all correspondence to or from College employees via email may be subject to disclosure.
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