[Athen] site works with NVDA/Chrome, JAWS/IE,
but not NVDA/Firefox
Howard Kramer
hkramer at ahead.org
Fri Feb 3 09:29:39 PST 2017
I would say yes, this a page that doesn't do a full refresh. I'll ask the
developer if he's trying to reset focus. The page isn't crashing btw, just
not reading correctly.
I did try with Jaws/IE and it did seem to work fine.
Just to clarify, do you require that all 3 combinations (e.g.,
NVDA+Firefox, JAWS+IE, VoiceOver+Safari, etc.) work before designating it
screenreader accessible? This will be an internal application but I think
it's supported on all 3 of those browsers.
Thanks for the tips and the article.
On Thu, Feb 2, 2017 at 3:42 PM, Sean Keegan <skeegan at ccctechcenter.org>
> Hi Howard,
> Is the UI a single-page application in which a "view" is updated but the
> page does not undergo a full browser refresh?
> I ran into an issue with NVDA+Firefox with a single-page application in
> which Firefox would ultimately crash when NVDA was running (Firefox was
> fine with no NVDA). Had same outcome as you in that NVDA+Chrome worked as
> did JAWS+Firefox. The developer originally tried to manage focus via
> JavaScript, but it never quite worked reliably. As best I could tell, the
> script tried to set focus to the H1 element on the page before the page
> view had finished loading.
> The dev fixed the focus script to happen after the page had completed
> loading (and used the correct code on the target) and suddenly NVDA worked
> via Firefox. Also fixed the crash issue.
> Simply Accessible had a good article on focus management for Angular.js
> applications that may be useful. We were using React, but the same
> principles apply:
> http://simplyaccessible.com/article/spangular-accessibility/
> I establish the operating environment and screen-reader requirements at
> the start, so sign-off happens when we meet those requirements (e.g.,
> NVDA+Firefox, JAWS+IE, VoiceOver+Safari, etc.). The operating environment
> can vary depending on the app in question - for example, if this was an
> internal application and the only browsers supported by the IT department
> are Chrome and Firefox, then a screen-reader would have to work with at
> least one of those browsers. That said, I am highly suspicious of any web
> application that does not work in Firefox with NVDA.
> Take care,
> Sean
> On Thu, Feb 2, 2017 at 2:02 PM, Howard Kramer <hkramer at ahead.org> wrote:
>> Just wanted to get other folks' opinion on this. I've been helping to
>> evaluate a prototype application here on our campus - time/payroll type
>> tool. Surprisingly I've found the the interface is pretty accessible with
>> NVDA/Chrome and JAWS/Firefox but not accessible with NVDA/Firefox. The
>> developer said he tested his design with ChromeVox so that helps explain
>> the accessibility with Chrome.
>> Two questions: at what point do you say an application or website is
>> screenreader accessible - does it have to work with every AT/browser combo
>> or if it seems to work with most, is that okay. Second, any ideas on why
>> the NVDA/FF environment does not work? BTW - this application was developed
>> under the ServiceNow platform.
>> Thanks,
>> Howard
>> --
>> Howard Kramer
>> Conference Coordinator
>> Accessing Higher Ground
>> 303-492-8672 <(303)%20492-8672>
>> cell: 720-351-8668 <(720)%20351-8668>
>> Join us for the *Accessing Higher Ground Conference
>> <http://accessinghigherground.org/>* in Denver, Colorado, Nov 13-17,
>> 2017. Request for proposals will be announced at the beginning of March.
>> Complete program information and registration is open for our full
>> line-up of webinars, *AHEADtoYOU!
>> <http://ahead.org/learn/virtual-learning/webinars>* And the *Technology
>> Access Series <http://ahead.org/learn/virtual-learning/at_webinars_15_16>*.
>> Site capacities for all webinar events is limited; please register at your
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Howard Kramer
Conference Coordinator
Accessing Higher Ground
cell: 720-351-8668
Join us for the *Accessing Higher Ground Conference
<http://accessinghigherground.org/>* in Denver, Colorado, Nov 13-17, 2017.
Request for proposals will be announced at the beginning of March.
Complete program information and registration is open for our full line-up
of webinars, *AHEADtoYOU!
<http://ahead.org/learn/virtual-learning/webinars>* And the *Technology
Access Series <http://ahead.org/learn/virtual-learning/at_webinars_15_16>*.
Site capacities for all webinar events is limited; please register at your
earliest convenience for the largest selection.
Not yet a member of AHEAD? *We welcome you to join AHEAD now.
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