[Athen] If you had one accessibility question for a course
evaluation what would it be?
Sheryl E. Burgstahler
sherylb at uw.edu
Wed Mar 22 10:29:53 PDT 2017
Good to give them option to report any specific course materials and activities they were not able to use with their preferred computer settings and software.
On Mar 22, 2017, at 7:59 AM, Bourne, Sarah (MASSIT) <sarah.bourne at mass.gov> wrote:
> I would avoid using a negative in the question ("no difficulties") as it makes it harder to score.
> I agree that you may get things having to do with, for instance, wifi problems that won't help as much if you use the Guelph wording. Perhaps something more like:
> "I was able to use online course materials and activities for this class with my preferred computer settings and software."
> sb
> Sarah E. Bourne
> Director of IT Accessibility, MassIT
> Commonwealth of Massachusetts
> 1 Ashburton Pl. rm 811 Boston MA 02108
> 617-626-4502
> sarah.bourne at mass.gov
> http://www.mass.gov/MassIT
> -----Original Message-----
> From: athen-list [mailto:athen-list-bounces at mailman13.u.washington.edu] On Behalf Of Preast, Vanessa
> Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2017 9:15 AM
> To: Access Technology Higher Education Network
> Subject: [Athen] If you had one accessibility question for a course evaluation what would it be?
> Hello,
> For a new end-of-course evaluation survey, I have the opportunity to craft a single Likert-type question to access accessibility from a student's perspective.
> What would be a good statement to help us identify whether accessibility problems might exist?
> Perhaps something like this, from University of Guelph? (http://cer.jhu.edu/files/uid-implementation-guide-v6.pdf )
> Statement: I had no difficulties accessing course materials or participating in any essential activities related to this class.
> Answers: Strongly agree to Strongly disagree
> I'm concerned that the word "accessing" may have too many different interpretations for students versus faculty versus accessibility personnel.
> Best,
> Vanessa
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