[Athen] Organic Chemistry/CHEM Draw for Student with Visual
David Andrews
dandrews at visi.com
Fri Nov 10 10:48:18 PST 2017
I have three suggestions -- one of which you
probably can't do. First, if he is like most of
us, these periods of impaired vision are likely
to increase in frequency and/or duration as he
gets older. Others have found this to be the
case. So while you are not a counselor, he should
be increased to avail himself of alternate
techniques for those times when he can't count on
his vision. While colleges and universities may
be able to be somewhat flexible, employers can
not do so easily, you can't pause things for a day or a week.
Other ways to get the information include 3D
printing, and using a human reader/describer.
At 07:30 AM 11/6/2017, you wrote:
>Content-Language: en-US
>Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
>Dear Colleagues,
>A student who has a come-and-go convergence
>issue with his eyes is taking Organic Chemistry
>during the Spring 2017 term. At times, his
>vision is good. At other times, his vision is
>blurry. College has exacerbated the issue and
>sometimes the blurriness last for days (instead
>of hours as it did previously). The student has
>not learned many of the skills others who are
>blind/low vision have. At this point, he cannot
>read tactile graphics in a way that is helpful
>to him. I read
>article in Chemistry Education on making organic
>chemistry representations tactile and more
>accessible to students who are blind or low
>vision. For most of his life until college, he
>was able to manage the symptoms without a lot of assistance.
>The article also mentions using text to speech
>output with Chem Draw. Has anyone done this
>successfully? Would you be willing to share more
>about the process? The article is unclear about
>how this actually happens and I have not been
>able to find instructions for doing this online.
>Any other advice you have for making Organic
>Chemistry materials more accessible to students
>with vision impairments would also be appreciated.
>Thank you,
>Channing Francis | Disability & Accessibility Services (DAS)
>Berea College Office of Academic Services
>Lincoln Hall 112 | CPO 2205 | (859) 985-3835 |
><mailto:channing.francis at berea.edu>channing.francis at berea.edu
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