[Athen] Math Accessibility

Weber-Hottleman, Kathryn k.weberhottleman at uconn.edu
Mon Jul 16 11:55:39 PDT 2018

Hello all,

We're currently exploring how to make math textbooks accessible, whether these textbooks come as PDFs, ePubs, or Word documents. Does anyone have any experience with authoring accessible math content? We're looking at MathML, MathType, LaTeX (which I've read is not the most accessible), and MathJax.

We're also looking at the equation editor Blackboard uses. Does anyone have any experience using this? Or does anyone know how students have received Blackboard equations?


Kathryn Weber-Hottleman
IT Accessibility Coordinator

Information Technology Services
University of Connecticut| Temporary Administration Building
25 Gampel Service Drive, Unit 1138 | Storrs, CT 06269-1138
k.weberhottleman at uconn.edu

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