[Athen] Tactile graphics

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Sat Jun 16 20:00:31 PDT 2018

Swell paper never produces very good Braille. You
could get a dymo Braille labeler and make labels you stick on?


At 01:15 PM 6/13/2018, you wrote:

>Good afternoon! I am creating some tactile

>graphics for a student and want to create labels

>so she knows what she is looking at ­ I am using

>the Braille Swell font ­ t“ the student said she

>is able to read it but at first said its too

>“loose” and then asked if I could make it

>more tactile which I am assuming might mean more


ddoes anyone have any ideas for how I

>can make this easier to read and still use the PIAF machine ?


>Thanks in advance



>Maria Bohn

>Senior Resource Accommodations Specialist

>Assistive Technology

>Office of Specialized Services

>Bergen Community College

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