[Athen] Subject: Accuracy rates for captioning and transcription

Martin, Vance S vmart02s at uis.edu
Mon Oct 22 12:31:51 PDT 2018

On our campus I would say we use a hybrid method. I have student workers who work on videos (and word, ppt, and pdf files) For videos they upload them to Youtube and set the videos to private and allow YouTube to autocaption them. I would say these days, and depending on the faculty member, the videos are coming in at 85-90% accuracy, the students then correct the captions, and add audio descriptions if possible, and if not possible they compile info per video which we share with the faculty member to potentially fix later. We then provide the faculty member with the caption file, a transcript file, and notes if it needs audio description. In doing this the cost is about $.41 a minute. The cheapest commercial option we have available comes in at $1.00 per minute.

Vance S. Martin, Ph.D.  
Campus Accessibility Specialist
Center for Online Learning, Research, and Service (COLRS)
University of Illinois Springfield
One University Plaza MS - Brookens Library 428
Springfield, IL 62703
217-206-8118  phone
Center for Online Learning, Research and Service
Accessibility Tips
Accessibility in the Trenches
vmart02s at uis.edu

Message: 2
Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2018 12:48:00 +0000
From: "Weissenberger, Todd M" <todd-weissenberger at uiowa.edu>
To: "athen-list at u.washington.edu" <athen-list at u.washington.edu>
Subject: [Athen] Accuracy rates for captioning and transcription
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Occasionally I hear about groups (on my campus and elsewhere) who are working to develop automated captioning and transcription tools.

I?d be curious to hear people?s thoughts on automated captioning, any success stories (or cautionary tales), cost/benefit analyses between automated and outsourced captioning, and especially what degree of accuracy would be sufficient (and is currently achievable) for such tools.

I look forward to your thoughts on this.


T.M. Weissenberger
IT Accessibility Coordinator
Information Technology Services
University of Iowa
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