[Athen] webinar on Chromebook accessibility Nov. 1

Norm Coombs norm.coombs at gmail.com
Sun Oct 28 21:44:00 PDT 2018

EASI Free Webinar on the Chromebook Accessibility
Thursday November 1 at 11 pacific, noon Mountain, 1 Central and 2 Eastern
Presenter:  Laura (Palmaro) Allen | Google | Chrome & Chrome OS
Accessibility Program Manager

Chromebook computers come with a variety of accessibility features built
in, such as the ChromeVox screen reader, different types of
magnification, braille support, and more. Join Laura, the Chrome and
Chrome OS Accessibility Program Manager, to learn about the various
features and functionalities built into Chrome OS that can help to make
your experience more accessible and productive.

Registration will be closed by Wednesday October 31
To register for the Nov. 1 Chrome book webinar, go to the EASI home page
and select webinars
Norm Coombs

"Serve some cause more important than yourself"

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