[Athen] FW: integrATe2019 Registration closing June 14 - Sessions
Now Posted!
Doug Mantle
Doug.Mantle at kings.uwo.ca
Fri Jun 7 11:37:15 PDT 2019
Please see below for information about the upcoming N.O.A.T. online AT conference.
From: integrATe2019 - The Network of Assistive Technologists - N.O.A.T. <info at NOAT.ca<mailto:info at NOAT.ca>>
Sent: Friday, June 7, 2019 12:54 PM
To: dmantle2 at uwo.ca<mailto:dmantle2 at uwo.ca>
Subject: integrATe2019 Registration closing June 14 - Sessions Now Posted!
View this email in your browser<https://mailchi.mp/360ad1ffa0e7/integrate2019-registration-closing-june-14-sessions-now-posted?e=cb159e423d>
[integrATe2019 Conference Logo]<https://NOAT.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=00988ead9f44ee99110f308b9&id=8c830a54b4&e=cb159e423d>
June 17 - June 21, 2019
A 100% online conference for Assistive Technology Professionals
elevATE your knowledge by participATing and sharing best practices to integrATe AT as part of every day, for everyone
Conference registration is OPEN
HURRY - You only have until June 14, 2019
Session information is posted
With more sessions still to be confirmed
integrATe2019 is a 100% online conference for Assistive Technology Professionals, featuring multiple days of education and discussion
Participate from the comfort of your own internet connected device! No travel. No hotels. Guaranteed dietary and dress code needs met - Yes PJ's are permitted at integrATe2019! (if you choose to connect from work, check with your boss about the PJ's)
* Each day during the week of June 17 to June 21, 2019, a series of pre-recorded video presentations will be released
* Along with each video, participants will have an opportunity for dialogue with other attendees and the presenters through text based chat
* If the presenters have any documents, handouts, or other materials, they will be available for viewing and downloading alongside the videos
* The video segments, discussions, and related files will remain available to registered participants well after the conference week is over - access them any time, over and over again, at your leisure
* Registered participants will be sent login information before the start of the conference
You don't need to be online each day, all day
You have no time limit for accessing the materials
Presenters will chat with you and answer your questions even after the conference is over
REGISTER NOW<https://NOAT.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=00988ead9f44ee99110f308b9&id=3a5b74247e&e=cb159e423d>
Visit the conference site<https://NOAT.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=00988ead9f44ee99110f308b9&id=6f54d7b01c&e=cb159e423d>
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