[Athen] athen-list Digest, Vol 178, Issue 9

White, Phillip Burton WHITEPH15 at ECU.EDU
Fri Nov 13 12:24:15 PST 2020

Yes, that is correct. NVDA and Jaws can't trigger annotations on the webpage. They have a letter "a" as a keystroke listed -- only see this in Jaws. However, with VoiceOver you cannot highlight (Or maybe I don't know how), but if you press "a" as a keystroke the annotation process begins.

With Jaws and NVDA you can read annotations others have made, and make comments on them, but I don't know a means to trigger the annotation creation from the webpage or web document.

Let me know if you learn something else.


Phillip White
East Carolina University
Whiteph15 at ecu.edu

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Today's Topics:

1. Hypothesis annotation tool accessibility with JAWS
(Million, Carrie)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 13 Nov 2020 00:18:46 +0000
From: "Million, Carrie" <CMillion at dvc.edu>
To: "athen-list at u.washington.edu" <athen-list at u.washington.edu>
Subject: [Athen] Hypothesis annotation tool accessibility with JAWS
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Hi all,

I'm interested in whether any campuses have used the Hypothes.is annotation tool with JAWS. I'm having difficulty getting the annotation/highlight tool to activate when I select text using the keyboard in JAWS. When I select the text with my mouse, the tools do appear. It's almost as if the Hypothesis website isn't recognizing the JAWS text selection.

Carrie Million
Assistive Tech
Diablo Valley College
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