[Athen] Fwd: AHEAD Members : Now that Exams are Over Celebrate by
submitting a proposal
Lissner, L. Scott
lissner.2 at osu.edu
Wed Dec 22 18:47:51 PST 2021
The 21st Annual Multiple Perspective Conference at The Ohio State University
APRIL 11TH & 12TH 2022
(Conditions permitting, we will meet in person, provisions will be made for presenters with travel restrictions)
"If I were just a woman, he could not do this to me; if I were only a person of color, he would not be able to do this to me; my conclusion was that the only reason that you are able to take this unfair advantage is because I also have a disability.
"My own personal identity is very much tied into who I am as a woman of color and as a disabled person, and I try not to distinguish between the three identities anymore".
These quotes from Johnnie Lacy capture the flavor to this year's theme for Multiple Perspective's ongoing exploration of disability as a reflection of the human condition. A lived experience seen through multiple lenses of identity, work, school, human rights, theory, discipline, law
Preference will be given to presentations that explore parallels, distinctions, lessons and impacts of disability across and within identity groups and models.
Celebrate by submitting a proposal
Hosted by the Office of Institutional Equity at the Ohio State University and supported by the generosity of Margaret Stanton and the Ethel Louise Armstrong Foundation. As a modern land grant university, an important part of Ohio State's mission is serving the wider community; to be a catalyst for positive change and a springboard for collaborations with and among our partners in education, business, non-profits, and government. Since 2000, each year the university's ADA Coordinator has identified series of workshops and public events that provide a forum for expand our understanding of disability as integral to human experience and create opportunities to increase community resources through the synergy of collaboration. Please look at past conference programs<https://ada.osu.edu/multiple-perspectives-conference/past-conferences> and consider submitting a future session.
*Description from Alt Tag: A multicolored circular graphic giving the impression of a flower that depicts the multiple identities of individuals and their overlapping . 10 small circles, each a solid color surround a larger circle in the center comprised of all of the colors as overlapping translucent disks forming blended hues in the shape of petals. The labels for the10 small circles are DISABILTY, RACE, GENDER, EHNICITY, SEX & SEXUALITY, RELIGION, REGION, CLASS & CASTE, INCOME & WEALTH, AND "MANY OTHER IDENTITIES". The large central circle is labeled lived experience.Image adapted from: https://usu.instructure.com/courses/611062/pages/engaging-with-multiple-perspectives<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://usu.instructure.com/courses/611062/pages/engaging-with-multiple-perspectives__;!!KGKeukY!mjmSnSCiD4hNq1oeyK1HoBBKRYA6S_2dq7lDGBnxpjS_OoPsgw2A-OG-uz6EhpCF$>
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