[Athen] Livescribe echo pens

Gwynette Hall gwynette.hall at wisc.edu
Sat Jul 31 13:24:17 PDT 2021

Hi, Keith.

We have been running a pilot of notetaking apps on iPads. Students tested Notability, GoodNotes and NoteShelf. The most popular app was Notability. Notability has a recording feature similar to a smartpen. GoodNotes was the second favorite because of the simplicity of the app, but no recording feature.

Happy to share more details if you want.



Gwynette Hall


McBurney Disability Resource Center

Student Affairs

University of Wisconsin-Madison

608-263-2741 (Voice-Front desk)

608-225-7956 (Text-Front desk)

608-265-2998 (FAX)


From: athen-list <athen-list-bounces at mailman12.u.washington.edu> on behalf of Keith Kolander <kkolander at stchas.edu>
Sent: Friday, July 30, 2021 1:49 PM
To: athen-list at u.washington.edu <athen-list at u.washington.edu>
Subject: [Athen] Livescribe echo pens


The Livescribe Echo pens have been popular, and still are, despite

being discontinued. Remaining ones are hard to find, and have more

than doubled in price. Even the notebooks have jumped in price quite

a bit. Are you using any alternatives at the moment, or laying low

and waiting for the Echo 2 to come out?

Also, if any of your students are using notetaking apps, are there any

that they seem to prefer using?



Keith Kolander

Adaptive Technology Specialist

St. Charles Community College

Cottleville, MO 63376

kkolander at stchas.edu<mailto:kkolander at stchas.edu>

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