[Athen] ABBYY FineReader Question

Karen McCall K4mccall at outlook.com
Wed May 25 07:25:49 PDT 2022

Morning Everyone!

I am working in ABBYY Fine Reader 15 and have saved the document as a Word document. I'm in the OCR Editor fixing optional hyphens and some words that, when I use my screen reader in the text editor of FineReader, indicate there is no space between some words.

I fixed the text in Word using my screen reader so it reads perfectly.

I copied it back into the text editor of FineReader and now different words are reading as if they have no spaces.

I think this might be a problem with the screen readers and the text editor in Fine Reader.

My question: Should I trust that my text IS corrected/with spaces between words?

I could save the document as a PDF again and check, but thought I'd ask if anyone else uses this process to fix mistakes in FineReader.

Cheers, Karen
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