[Athen] Salesforce Issues

Emily Singer Lucio eslucio at umd.edu
Mon Apr 17 11:20:16 PDT 2023

Hello all.

We are working with the Salesforce team and their accessibility people. We
continue to have two issues that are worrisome.


an error exposed by the WAVE tool <https://wave.webaim.org/> - Broken
ARIA menu. This error
presents in the WAVE tool but not with a screen reader. Stub code is
included by Salesforce for potential future use with the top level menu so
that additional menu items can overflow into a dropdown menu. The
unnecessary 'menu' placeholder is in the Salesforce-generated code without
any menu items, which breaks the ARIA rules. The Marketing and
Communications team's assessment is that all WAVE errors should be removed.
This error isn't identified by the screen reader because the parent element
is hidden but a future update could expose the error.

"Upon further review, the ARIA menu issue is accessible and working as
designed. Page navigation is using the standard out-of-box Jepson theme
navigation header. I have attached a screen recording demonstrating the
accessibility of page navigation using the JAWS 2023 screen reader." -


An alert exposed by the WAVE tool - No heading structure. The alert
presents in the WAVE tool but not with a screen reader. The H1 tag is on
the 'My Cases' heading. A div six levels up from this H1 heading has
tabindex="-1" which indicates that this div should be skipped, thereby
signaling to WAVE/screen readers that the div that contains the H1 should
be skipped.

I would like to get collective input from this group. Have any of you had
these issues?


*Emily Singer Lucio She/Her/Hers*
ADA/504 Coordinator
University of Maryland, College Park
Office of Diversity & Inclusion
3123 Susquehanna Hall
4200 Leigh Road
College Park MD 20742
Tel:301 405-2841 | Fax:301 314-9992
Email: eslucio at umd.edu
Website: accessibility.umd.edu

“Just because a man lacks the use of his eyes doesn’t mean he lacks
vision.” — Stevie Wonder
Source: WeCapable
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