[Athen] International Ally User Group – 21 December 2023

Matthew Deeprose M.Deeprose at soton.ac.uk
Mon Dec 11 07:39:15 PST 2023

[With apologies for cross-posting]

Join us in the International Ally User Group on Thursday 21 December 2023 at 07:00 PST / 10:00 EST / 15:00 GMT / 16:00 CET / 18:00 TRT / 19:00 GST.

In our final session of the year, we’re joined by Dominique Cytryn who will discussing why neurodiversity is necessary in the workplace.

# Session synopsis
## Neurodiversity in the Workplace: Why It’s Necessary - Dominique Cytryn

How can Universities demonstrate they value neurodiversity? How should organisations prioritize inclusion into their workplace culture?
Dominique Cytryn is a Benefits Analyst who holds her Masters in Human Resources Management with a concentration in Talent Development. Her main focus of study was Neurodiversity, with her final thesis titled, “The Future of Neurodiversity: How to Integrate Neurodiversity into Any Corporation.” Dominique is an autistic individual who manages the ADA accommodation process at her place of employment, and advocates for Neurodiversity and disability rights and inclusion.

Find sign-up and joining details on the Ally Community site: https://usergroup.ally.ac/content/perma?id=61559

Hope to see you there!

Matthew Deeprose
University of Southampton

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