[Athen] Free Webinar: Coordinating Captioned Media For Your Campus:
Learn from Others
National Deaf Center
help at nationaldeafcenter.org
Tue Jan 10 13:01:52 PST 2023
*Coordinating Captioned Media For Your Campus: Learn from OthersEvent Date:
January 19th, 2023 2:00pm-3:00pm CTWatching media without captions can be
frustrating for deaf students. Captioned media not only supports deaf
students, but is beneficial for the entire campus community. Accessible
campuses require that videos be captioned, however, survey results from 87
disability service professionals found that only 30% of their institutions
offered this service (Supporting Deaf College Students: Perspectives From
Disability Services Professionals, 2022
NDC for a panel of disability service professionals to discuss their
experiences with policy and procedures for captioned media on campus. While
this webinar is designed for DSS personnel, administrators,policymakers,
and participants from all professional backgrounds are encouraged to
attend.The agenda for this webinar is derived from common inquiries to
NDC’s Help Desk which include: - Guidance on who is responsible for
captioning media,- How to implement captioned media policies and
procedures, and- Ways to leverage campus collaborations.Join us on January
19th, 2023 from 2:00 - 3:00 pm CT
<https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_6EZUmyLTRV2Mp9KFk9OlJA> to
learn about how to coordinate captioned media at your institution.Panelists
- Sheryl Ballenger, Ph.D., CPACC — Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services,
Manager with the Center for Inclusive Design and Innovation (CIDI) at
Georgia Institute of Technology- Brittany Mammenga, ADAC — Captioning
Coordinator at Minneapolis Community College- Andrew Weaver, NIC — Sign
Language Interpreting and Transcription Coordinator at the University of
OregonPlease reach out to help at nationaldeafcenter.org
<help at nationaldeafcenter.org> for any questions or concerns. *
*NDC | help team*
help at nationaldeafcenter.org
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NDC is a technical assistance and dissemination center funded by the U.S.
Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs
#H326D210002. Project Officer: Dr. Louise Tripoli. Disclaimers: 1) The
contents of this email do not necessarily represent the positions or
policies of the federal government. 2) NDC does not provide legal advice
and any information shared should not be considered as such. 3) NDC does
not endorse any specific products/services/vendors and any information
shared should not be considered as such. 4) NDC uses "deaf
<https://www.nationaldeafcenter.org/defining-deaf>" in an all-inclusive
manner to include people who may identify as deaf, deafblind, deafdisabled,
hard of hearing, late-deafened, and hearing impaired.
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