[Athen] International Ally User Group – 28 September 2023

Matthew Deeprose M.Deeprose at soton.ac.uk
Mon Sep 11 02:58:49 PDT 2023

[With apologies for cross-posting]

Join us in the September meeting of the International Ally User Group. We continue to learn how colleagues are innovating in accessibility within their institutions. Join us for different perspectives and inspiration that might help you promote accessibility at your institution.

All are welcome to our meeting on Thursday 28 September 2023 at 07:00 PDT / 10:00 EDT / 15:00 BST / 16:00 CEST / 17:00 TRT / 18:00 GST.

Session synopses

Session 1: Promoting ‘accessibility’ by applying Universal Design Principles (UDP) within data-driven Canvas course design standards. Stephen Kennedy, Technology Enhanced Learning Manager. Belfast Metropolitan College.

Session 2: GAAD – mid-May… but it’s the middle of exams! Emma Duke-Williams, Edward Wood, and LJ Logue, Educational Technologists, University of Dundee.

“This year, we had a weeklong accessibility awareness raising – in February, not May.
We’ll outline the sessions that we ran, how it went, the response from those there, and the resources we’ve been able to generate for those who weren’t able to be there.
One particular focus will be an accessibility training framework (CAeC) developed by a team member as part of her PGCAPHE.”

Find sign-up and joining details on the Ally Community site: https://usergroup.ally.ac/content/perma?id=60136

Matthew Deeprose
University of Southampton

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