[Athen] Accessible Election Results Map

Lissner, L. Scott via athen-list athen-list at u.washington.edu
Fri Nov 1 19:52:53 PDT 2024

Pleased to share this news from Pete Bossley - Senior Accessibility Manager, Thomson Reuters.

This is a proud leader moment: our accessibility team, in close collaboration with our Reuters colleagues have worked to make our 2024 election map results data more accessible. With a fundamental motivation of providing people with disabilities the same rich look at election results that others can have, the teams worked hard to put design, product and engineering together with accessibility. Our map is fully navigable by keyboard, including the ability to zoom into states and counties The entire map, at all levels, will have useful screen reader announcements throughout Font sizes, colors and patterns were all chosen with the latest WCAG standards in mind We want feedback from the community! What worked, what didn’t? What features would you love to see in future election cycles? Send us feedback at accessibility at thomsonreuters.com. #A11y #Elections https://lnkd.in/g5MdEaRZ<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://lnkd.in/g5MdEaRZ__;!!KGKeukY!xumh_c3xOUa-ytbPCsde7i7AeR65-GnS_Kaq3BNDUm9Utv1CozzyK3455RZNmWDIinucUcc8nJx8nnW93A$>

Get Outlook for iOS<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://aka.ms/o0ukef__;!!KGKeukY!xumh_c3xOUa-ytbPCsde7i7AeR65-GnS_Kaq3BNDUm9Utv1CozzyK3455RZNmWDIinucUcc8nJzERB0zmA$>
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