[Athen] Request for Info-Has Your University Switched Automated Accessibility Tools Within the Last 2 Years?

RaLynn McGuire via athen-list athen-list at u.washington.edu
Wed Jan 29 07:16:05 PST 2025

Hi all,

I am in need of your help! I have been asked by our director to provide information from other universities who:

1. switched to a new LMS automated accessibility tool (e.g. Ally, Panorama, U-DoIT, etc.) within the last two years AND
2. what did you switch from and what did you switch to?

We currently use Ally and have used it to varying degrees since 2021. I was already asked to compile a list of what other universities are currently using, which I was able to compile from publicly available university websites. However, this kind of data about switches within the last 2 years isn’t nearly as readily available. Thank you in advance to anyone who is able to respond! If you’d like to email me off list please email RaLynn.McGuire at utsa.edu<mailto:RaLynn.McGuire at utsa.edu>.


RaLynn McGuire (hear my name<https://namedrop.io/ralynnmcguire>), M.A., CPACC (she, her, hers)
Lead Accessibility/UDL Specialist
Teaching, Learning, & Digital Transformation
Lecturer – COEHD Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching
The University of Texas at San Antonio
RaLynn.McGuire at utsa.edu<mailto:RaLynn.McGuire at utsa.edu>
DigitalAccessibility at utsa.edu<mailto:DigitalAccessibility at utsa.edu>
Zoom Virtual Office Hours<https://utsa.zoom.us/j/95254946075> by appointment
[IAAP CPACC Badge]<https://www.credly.com/badges/f0735f86-fbd2-47ea-b26f-45c7672626c4/public_url>
[ACUE Inclusive Teaching & Equitable Learning Badge]
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