[Biostudent] Pre-PA Club at UW

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Thu Apr 7 10:22:35 PDT 2022

The Pre-PA Club at UW is dedicated to providing a supportive and collaborative space for students interested in the PA career path. Our club strives to support, educate, and act as a resource for Pre-PA students during their time at UW. We hold bi-weekly meetings where we provide information and resources about the Pre-PA track and assist students on their journey to becoming a PA.

We are excited to announce that applications are now open for next year's executive board! Members of the executive board are responsible for various aspects of club logistics and planning of meetings and panels. It is a great leadership opportunity, as well as a way to build skills for organization, teamwork, and collaboration!

We are actively recruiting for the following positions:

- Vice President

- Secretary

- Event Coordinator(s)

- Head of Socials.

More information on each position can be found here <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1x7qLL-1JCkk2SCVdxtU9WUAVUs_ruHQLBR5ksmW95zY/edit?usp=sharing> .

If you are interested in applying for a position on the exec board, please fill out this application form: https://forms.gle/7EMpdNRoy9ize3px7

This form will close Friday, April 14th at 11:59pm PST. Upon selection, you will be invited for a short interview for us to get to know you better.

Please feel free to email prepauw at uw.edu <mailto:prepauw at uw.edu> if you have any questions, and thank you for your interest!


Pre-PA Club at the UW

Executive Board

Co-Presidents: Clarisse Lee, Andrew Nguyen

Vice President: Megan Lu

Event Coordinators: Claire Imai-Takemura, Ashley Serquina

Head of Socials: Lauren Lee

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