[Biostudent] Synapse at the

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Thu Apr 7 10:23:33 PDT 2022

Synapse at the UW is a student-led brain injury support group. We host support groups and social events for individuals with brain injuries in the Seattle area, in addition to educational workshops with our professional partners. Our student members are an integral part of the organization, and can get involved in our events as well as our Buddy Program, which pairs a TBI member with an undergraduate student. Our club offers students interested in careers in healthcare, social work, or neuroscience an opportunity to work closely with this under-served community and invaluable experience interacting with this vulnerable population outside of a clinical setting.

We are excited to announce that applications are now open for next year's executive board! Members of the executive board are responsible for various aspects of club logistics and planning of meetings, events, and panels. It is a great leadership opportunity, as well as a way to build skills for organization, teamwork, and collaboration!

We are actively recruiting for the following positions:

* VP of Peer Support
* VP of Buddy Program
* VP of Events

If you are interested, please fill out this application form: https://forms.gle/VPrw4G5yekt2BSav6

Please see the form for additional information about each position.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions, and thank you for your interest!


Synapse at the UW

Executive Board

brainuw at uw.edu <mailto:brainuw at uw.edu>

Website: https://synapseattheuw.weebly.com/

Facebook: fb.me/synapseuw <http://fb.me/synapseuw>

Instagram: @uwsynapse

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