[Biostudent] Capillaries is Recruiting New Members!

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Thu Apr 7 12:36:13 PDT 2022


Capillaries Journal of Medical Humanities is a student-run project with the
mission of providing students of all majors and backgrounds the opportunity
to write and create works of art about their experiences with health and
healing, and to reflect on community/national/global health issues. In our
past publications, we shared stories of love and loss, of mental health and
disordered eating, of coming to terms with one's identity, and of
understanding what it means to be a global citizen in the 21st century. If
there is anything this past year has shown us, it is that there needs to be
a platform for such stories to be shared. Past issues of our journal can be
viewed on our website: <http://capillariesjournal.com/journals>

We're looking for students to join our team! Positions available include
prose editing, poetry editing, project management/public relations, and
graphic design.

We highly encourage anyone who is interested in diverse perspectives and
stories that can expose the resilience, strength, and compassion in our
society along with its flaws, (e.g. discrimination/microaggressions,
profiteering, inequities in access to healthcare resources and educational
resources, etc) to please apply!

To apply, check out this google form:
ychn61kPbC1PRfA/viewform?usp=sf_link> https://forms.gle/fsoUeVoQmbk7bbg48

DEADLINE: Sun, May 15th @11:59pm

We look forward to reading your applications, and please don't hesitate to
reach out to us at <mailto:cjuw at uw.edu> cjuw at uw.eduif you have any


Natalie Hoffman

PR Team Member, Capillaries Journal of Medical Humanities at the UW

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