[Biostudent] Summer 2022 History Courses - In-person and Remote Options!

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Mon Apr 11 17:01:26 PDT 2022

Dear Students,

Looking for courses to take this Summer? The Department of History is
offering a wide range of courses this Summer 2022, including both in-person
and fully remote options! Please check out the list of History courses
attached to this email as well as some suggested courses below:

HSTLAC 282 History of Mexico: Culture, Identity, and the Politics of Rule
from the Aztecs to the Present

Fully remote, Full-term

SLN: 11768

Instructor: Adam Warren

This course provides a broad overview of the history of Mexico from the late
Aztec period until modern times by examining how groups traditionally seen
as powerless or marginalized within Mexican society-women, campesinos
(peasants), indigenous populations, free and enslaved Afro-Mexicans, and the
urban poor-experienced, understood, and shaped the world in which they lived
and what it means to be Mexican.

* I&S credits and DIV credits

HSTAFM 162 History of the Islamic World, Fifteenth-Eighteenth Centuries

Fully remote, Full-term

SLN: 11753

Instructor: Eric Johnson

In this course we will explore the history of the Islamic World during the
age of mighty empires in Turkey, Persia, and South Asia. This course
highlights the powerful rulers, vibrant cultures, and human achievements of
these states, while also exploring the region's ethnic, linguistic,
religious, and sectarian diversity and conflicts. We will use political,
social and cultural approaches to engage both the broad sweep and the
personal stories of this history.

* I&S credits and DIV credits

HSTAA 110 History of American Citizenship

In-person Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:00pm - 2:10pm, Full-term

SLN: 11750

Instructor: Anna Nguyen

Throughout this course we will examine how, when, and why different groups
of people (e.g., white men, white men without property, peoples of color
including one-time slaves, women, immigrants) became eligible for
citizenship throughout American history. Additionally, we will explore how
and why for many peoples, at many times, citizenship did not confer equal
rights to all.

* I&S credits and DIV credits

Thank you!

Shannon Vacek and Tracy Maschman Morrissey
History Undergraduate Advising
University of Washington
Smith Hall 315
Box 353560
Seattle, WA 98195
vm: <tel:206.543.5691> 206.543.5691 fax: <tel:206.543.9451> 206.543.9451
<http://depts.washington.edu/history> depts.washington.edu/history

Please click here to schedule an advising appointment

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