[Biostudent] The Philosophy Society has rescheduled our talk with AM Weatherford for this Friday, April 22nd

Biology Advising bioladv at uw.edu
Mon Apr 18 08:56:33 PDT 2022


The Philosophy Society has rescheduled our talk with AM Weatherford for this Friday, April 22nd. Please come join us in Savery Hall Room 156!

RSVP here. <https://fb.me/e/1jxpzBpr4>

Neoliberalism, Philosophy, and Euromerican Imperialisms: A Chat With AM Weatherford

This talk is an interview-style chat between undergraduate student in Philosophy and Computer Science, Andrew Shaw, and doctoral candidate in Comparative Literature, Cinema, and Media, Alan-Michael Weatherford. Together and across an hour, the two discuss the historical trajectories and intimacies shared among neoliberalism, philosophy, and Euromerican imperialisms that are often obscured today. They reflect on the past, present, and future of practicing multiple types of philosophies as they relate to new configurations of imperial and colonial power. What does it mean to practice philosophy in this neoliberal moment? How did we get to the “here and now”? And how does the historical obfuscation of Euromerican imperialism and colonialism contribute to replicating ongoing projects that subalternize alternative philosophies?


Email: philsoc at uw.edu <mailto:philsoc at uw.edu>
Website: https://sites.google.com/uw.edu/philosophysociety/home <https://sites.google.com/uw.edu/philosophysociety/home>
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thephilosophysociety/ <https://www.facebook.com/thephilosophysociety/>

Attachments area
I plan to attend.I'll be there!Thanks!
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