[Biostudent] spots still available in ESRM430 Remote Sensing of the Environment

Julie A. Martinez juliebio at uw.edu
Tue Aug 9 09:53:35 PDT 2022

spots still available in ESRM430 Remote Sensing of the Environment

Sign up to get hands on applications of geospatial data analysis and visualization tools used in one of the fastest growing global job markets (16% growth expected by 2029)!

There are still open spots in ESRM430: SLN=15214 <https://sdb.admin.uw.edu/timeschd/uwnetid/sln.asp?QTRYR=AUT+2022&SLN=15214>
The Tuesday & Thursday lectures are in-person and recorded for asynchronous learning. The Tuesday & Thursday labs are on-line recorded for asynchronous learning.

There are no course requirements to enroll in the course. The course is: 5 credits = 2 lecture credits + 3 lab credits.

Students will be exposed to the principles of earth observation and optical remote sensing applications in natural resource management. In the first half of the course, manual and computer based laboratory exercises emphasize conventional analysis of aerial photographs and high resolution satellite imagery. The second half of the course focuses on the application of active remotely sensed data, specifically LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging). The uses of remotely sensed information for wetlands, watersheds, forest resources, wildlife habitat, point and non-point pollution, environmental monitoring, land use planning, urban-suburban-forestry interfaces, and outdoor recreation will be discussed and illustrated using research examples throughout the course. Students will have the opportunity to apply these principles and obtain hands-on experience. Students will come out of this course with a mastery of a wide variety of interpretation, measurement, environmental monitoring and map making skills specific to remote sensing. Practitioners and users from public and private institutions may be involved as guest lecturers.

You can find more information about the course here: https://sites.uw.edu/esrm430 <https://sites.uw.edu/esrm430>

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