[Biostudent] Recruiting Students to Amplify Neurodivergent Voices!

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Wed Aug 24 13:12:13 PDT 2022

Recruiting Students to Amplify Neurodivergent Voices!

We are recruiting volunteer and leadership opportunities to help promote visibility for the neurodivergent community. These include project management leads, website designers, video editors, event planners, writers, interviewers, and graphic designers. There is something for everyone!

Detailed Opportunity Descriptions: <https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1YvUU5ffmq6hHyarEv8jRtlKn-UAlOTfs8I4ZvNPKAo4/> https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1YvUU5ffmq6hHyarEv8jRtlKn-UAlOTfs8I4ZvNPKAo4/

Do you…

* Care deeply about promoting and/or learning more about disability justice?

* Have interest in and/or experience with audio/video production, web design, graphic design, communications, mentoring and/or event planning?

* Want to promote diversity, equity and inclusion?

* Want the chance to build your portfolio/resume with hands-on experience in content development?


Winner of the 2021-2022 Husky Seed Fund Award and registered student organization, <https://www.dailyuw.com/news/discoveries/open-minds-huskies-for-neurodiversity-hosts-forum-builds-awareness-of-navigating-college-and-careers-with/article_d1c49246-bc18-11ec-b270-3320b66a9a84.html> Huskies for Neurodiversity <https://www.dailyuw.com/news/discoveries/open-minds-huskies-for-neurodiversity-hosts-forum-builds-awareness-of-navigating-college-and-careers-with/article_d1c49246-bc18-11ec-b270-3320b66a9a84.html> is a student-led initiative that promotes visibility and acceptance of neurodiversity at UW campus and beyond. Spearheaded by a team with two neurodivergent students, our goal is to destigmatize and educate about neurodiversity and disability accommodations on campus to students and faculty, as well as provide a platform for neurodivergent individuals to share their stories and experiences in their own voice. Last year, we...

-Held a <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3RSlHczMFo> panel on neurodiversity in the workplace

-Held 17 lived experience interviews <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwRcq2lZqdI> with neurodivergent members of the UW community

-Wrote 10 articles on neurodiversity and disability justice topics to be published to our website

-Collaborated with disability organizations at UW to table at the Admitted Student Preview, host a neurodiversity art and games social in Spring quarter, and set up Dawg Daze events for Sept 2022!

Neurodivergent students are highly encouraged to apply. Detailed job descriptions and application forms are available at the following links:

General Application Form: https://forms.gle/Nn7yFrWJK8u7nT967

Detailed Opportunity Descriptions: <https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1YvUU5ffmq6hHyarEv8jRtlKn-UAlOTfs8I4ZvNPKAo4/> https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1YvUU5ffmq6hHyarEv8jRtlKn-UAlOTfs8I4ZvNPKAo4/

PRIORITY DEADLINE is 09/16/22 at 11:59PM. Form will remain open until all positions are filled.

Direct any questions to Tiara (she/they) at tiarast at uw.edu <mailto:tiarast at uw.edu> . We look forward to hearing from you!

Kind regards,

Tiara, Daniel, Sam, and Rachel

Huskies for Neurodiversity Team

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