[Biostudent] Friday Harbor Labs Autumn Qtr Applications Still Open

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Wed Aug 24 11:15:55 PDT 2022

Subject: Friday Harbor Labs Autumn Qtr Applications Still Open

It's not too late to apply and take courses at Friday Harbor Labs <https://fhl.uw.edu/> (FHL) this autumn quarter. FHL is UW's premier marine science field research station located in the beautiful San Juan Islands. Spend 10 weeks getting your hands dirty conducting field research while earning credits towards your degree!

* Autumn Marine Studies <https://fhl.uw.edu/courses/course-descriptions/course/autumn-marine-studies-2022/> (16 credits): Take two courses to learn ecology and biology in the Salish Sea and a third course to conduct your own research project.

* Ecology and Human Interactions in the Salish Sea (FHL 469)
* Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of Marine Organisms (FHL 471)
* Research in Marine Biology (FHL 470)

* <https://fhl.uw.edu/courses/course-descriptions/course/pelagic-ecosystem-function-in-the-san-juan-archipelago-2022/> Pelagic Ecosystem Function in the San Juan Archipelago (OCEAN 492) (15 credits). Get on research vessels to examine patterns, interactions, and links within our complex marine ecosystem and conduct your own research project.

* This course is the same price regardless of UW matriculation status or Washington State Residency.

To learn more and apply, please visit the application section of our website <https://fhl.uw.edu/courses/applying-for-an-fhl-course/> . Write to Mason Wiley (masonfhl at uw.edu <mailto:masonfhl at uw.edu> ) with any questions.

Note on Financial Aid and Accessibility: We strive to remove barriers that make studying at FHL difficult for some. Financial aid specific to FHL is available and easy to apply for during the application process. If you have a disability and feel that it may preclude you from participating in field work, write to Mason Wiley (masonfhl at uw.edu <mailto:masonfhl at uw.edu> ) to learn about accomodations FHL can make to ensure you are able to participate and get the most out of your learning experience.


Mason Wiley (he/him)

Academic Services Manager

UW Friday Harbor Labs

(206) 616-0752

620 University Road

Friday Harbor, WA 98250

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