[Biostudent] Research Exposed! Course: Winter 2023 Announcement

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Thu Dec 1 12:16:23 PST 2022

Subject: Research Exposed! Course: Winter 2023 Announcement

Dear Colleagues,

The Undergraduate Research Program (URP) is excited to announce that the
speaker line-up has been finalized for **autumn term's Research Exposed!
(GEN ST 391 D) course. Research Exposed offers undergraduates an opportunity
to learn about current, exciting research in a wide variety of disciplines.
Through presentations by UW faculty, Research Exposed offers information on
the process of discovery, how faculty design research projects, how inquiry
is structured in the different disciplines, and how students can become
involved in the knowledge-making process. This course is especially relevant
for students who are new to UW and are looking for ways to build community
and engage in experiential learning outside of the classroom. More
information can be found here:

Please consider sharing this email and the attached flyer for GEN ST 391 D:
Research Exposed! (SLN 15307) with any interested students.

Many thanks!

The Undergraduate Research Program Team

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