[Biostudent] NOAA Hollings Scholarship Workshop II: application tips, letters of rec and writing a good essay

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Mon Dec 5 11:08:04 PST 2022

NOAA Hollings Scholarship Workshop II: application tips, letters of rec and
writing a good essay

We are hosting a workshop for any UW students planning on applying to the
NOAA Hollings Scholarship
bi90IYb7UQ7Hd8ulX1JMb7M-Q$> on Wednesday, December 7th at 4:30pm in FSH
207. This workshop is aimed at providing application support with general
application tips, guidance on asking for letters of recommendation, and best
practices for essay writing. While focused on the NOAA Hollings Scholarship
application, much of what we cover will also be helpful when applying to
other opportunities (e.g., other scholarships or internships) and may be of
general interest. You do need to have attended the first workshop to benefit
from this one.

The Hollings Scholarship Program provides the following:

* A scholarship up to $9,500 per year for two years of full-time

* A 10-week, full-time paid ($700/week) internship at a NOAA
facility during the summer.

* Travel funds to attend a mandatory NOAA Scholarship Program
orientation and the annual Science & Education Symposium, scientific
conferences where students present their research, and a housing subsidy for
scholars who do not reside at home during the summer internship.

Eligibility Requirements for this scholarship:

* Be a U.S. citizen;

* Be currently enrolled or accepted as a full-time 2nd year student
in a four-year academic program or as a full-time 3rd year student in a
five-year undergraduate program (e.g. some engineering programs).

* Earn and maintain a 3.0 GPA in all courses each term and
cumulative, as well as an overall GPA of 3.0 in your major field of study.
The GPA requirement applies prior to and at the time of application for a
scholarship, for the period between application and award notification, and
after award distribution.

* Have and maintain a declared major in a discipline including, but
not limited to, oceanic, environmental, biological, and atmospheric
sciences, mathematics, engineering, remote sensing technology, physical and
social sciences including geography, physics, hydrology, geomatics, or
education - all fields that support NOAA's programs and mission.

For more information, contact

Markus Min, SAFS Graduate Student and '17 Hollings Alum (mmin at uw.edu
<mailto:mmin at uw.edu> )

Emily Bishop, SAFS Graduate Student and '13 Hollings Alum (ebish at uw.edu
<mailto:ebish at uw.edu> )

Joe Kobayashi, Marine Biology Academic Advisor (jkob at uw.edu
<mailto:jkob at uw.edu> )

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