[Biostudent] DXARTS 598A: Art, Brain & Hallucination

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Tue Dec 6 13:55:44 PST 2022

DXARTS 598A: Art, Brain & Hallucination

Hi all, DXARTS is excited to offer DXARTS 598A: Art, Brain & Hallucination for Winter quarter (2023):

SLN: 22288

Time: T/Th - 12:30-2:20pm

Credits: 5

Location: 205 Raitt Hall

Not a VLPA credit

Description: Art, Brain & Hallucination: This is an interdisciplinary seminar that explores the intersections between art, imagination, and Neuroscience. Led by faculty from DXARTS (Richard Karpen & Thomas Deuel) and the program in Neuroscience (Eberhard Fetz), a range of topics will be explored laternation between brain sciences and exercises in artistic conscious intuition.

This is a graduate level class. However, we welcome non-DXARTS graduate and undergraduate students. For those needing an add code please contact Richard Karpen at <karpen at uw.edu <mailto:karpen at uw.edu> >.

Best regards,

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