[Biostudent] Plant Conservation Internship Opportunities with UW Students

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Mon Dec 12 13:15:53 PST 2022

My name is Micah Jasny and I am the Botanical Coordinator with Native Plant
Trust. Our organization runs a community science initiative called the Plant
Conservation Volunteer program which engages volunteers in monitoring native
plants throughout New England.

I am writing to you because we are offering three paid summer internships to
students and graduates interested in plants, conservation, biology, or
ecology and were wondering if you would be willing to share this opportunity
with students and professors in the Biology Department. Below, I have
attached the position descriptions as well as a flyer with more information
about the PCV program. Please let me know if you have any questions, and I
hope to hear from you soon.

Warm regards,


Micah Jasny

Botanical Coordinator



180 Hemenway Road

Framingham, MA 01701

T: 508-877-7630 ext. 3204

F: 508-877-3658

YlZ_jsLz3$> www.NativePlantTrust.org

Conserving and promoting New England's native plants to

ensure healthy, biologically diverse landscapes

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