[Biostudent] Summer Internships Available at NASA!

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Tue Dec 13 14:18:50 PST 2022

I'm writing to let you know that NASA internships
this summer are available at any of NASA's 10 research centers, as well as
the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
rQ-Xxs20YVbwKc4s$> for undergraduates and for graduates. Most are
specifically for STEM students enrolled at any accredited college or
university. There are also some internships available for business and
communications students.

NASA internship applications for the summer are open now through March 10.
All are 10-week-long, paid opportunities.

The WA Space Grant team (housed in the UW College of Engineering) supports
all STEM undergrads at all three UW campuses with the NASA internship
application process.

* I will be giving a workshop on Thursday January 5, 3pm-4pm (in
Guggenheim 305) on the range of different opportunities available with NASA
this summer how to assemble a strong application for them.
* Any interested students can also schedule an appointment with me
using the link below my signature line and/or email us at nasa at uw.edu
<mailto:nasa at uw.edu> with any questions.

Please pass this information along to any eligible students you work with!


Eli Heller

Eli Heller, M.Ed. (He/Him/His)

Student Services Manager

Washington NASA Space Grant Consortium [waspacegrant.org]

University of Washington

AERB 241A | Seattle, WA | 98195-2400

Phone: 206-543-8919 | Email: hellere at uw.edu <mailto:hellere at uw.edu>


Students can schedule an appointment below:

A3ZGrrR8WuRSc11xCRrQ-Xxs20YqsEe2wM$> Advising Hours Calendar

General Office Hours: 8:30am - 5:00pm, Teleworking (Mon / Friday)

UW Colleagues: Feel free to contact me on MS Teams during work hours.

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