[Biostudent] VCU PREP Program

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Tue Dec 13 14:22:41 PST 2022

We are writing to make you and your students aware of the Virginia
Commonwealth University Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program (VCU
PREP). We hope you will identify senior students at your college or
university who may be interested in participating in this research training
program. Please feel free to forward this message to students who are
interested in attending graduate school to pursue research careers in the
biomedical and behavioral sciences. The attached flyer can also be provided
to your students. VCU PREP is funded by the National Institutes of Health,
and provides scholars with a salary of $29,120 for July 1, 2023-June 30,

VCU PREP aims to increase the number of underrepresented PhD students in the
US (for example, African Americans, Latinx/Hispanic Americans, Native
Americans, students with disabilities, etc.). Students participate in a
year-long intensive mentored research experience in an area of biomedical
research of their choice, and receive coaching and preparation to apply to
PhD programs. Eighty-five percent of trainees immediately enter a graduate
program upon completing VCU PREP. Additional program information is
included on the VCU Center on Health Disparities website at
dmbRxEz1HHe0o84$> https://healthdisparities.vcu.edu/. The on-line
application is also available there, under the Research & Training tab under
Post-Baccalaureate Programs.

VCU PREP candidates must be US citizens, US permanent residents, or US
nationals to be eligible for the program. Candidates must have earned a
baccalaureate degree or its equivalent at the time of enrollment (July 1,
2022), and no more than 36 months prior to their selection for
participation. An undergraduate cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 is generally
expected for VCU PREP scholars.

The application should include: undergraduate transcripts, 3 letters of
recommendation from teachers or research mentors, and a personal statement
demonstrating a commitment to a career in biomedical research. The
supplementary materials (letters and transcripts) should be sent by email to
<mailto:cohdtraining at vcuhealth.org> cohdtraining at vcuhealth.org. Unofficial
transcripts may be used for the application, but to be admitted to the
program, official transcripts are required.

The deadline to receive complete applications, including transcripts and
letters of reference, is March 15, 2023. If you have questions about the
application process, please contact Mrs. Khiana Nelson at
<mailto:cohdtraining at vcuhealth.org> cohdtraining at vcuhealth.org. If you have
questions about research in the biomedical sciences at VCU, please contact
one of the VCU PREP Co-Directors, Dr. Joyce Lloyd
<mailto:joyce.lloyd at vcuhealth.org> joyce.lloyd at vcuhealth.org

or Dr. Rita Shiang <mailto:rita.shiang at vcuhealth.org>
rita.shiang at vcuhealth.org.


Drs. Lloyd and Shiang

Joyce A. Lloyd PhD

Professor and Vice Chair of Education and Faculty Affairs

Department of Human and Molecular Genetics

Co-Director, VCU PREP post baccalaureate research program

Virginia Commonwealth University

Richmond, Virginia 23298-0035

<mailto:joyce.lloyd at vcuhealth.org> joyce.lloyd at vcuhealth.org

Rita Shiang, PhD

Associate Professor

Department of Human and Molecular Genetics

Co-Director, VCU PREP post baccalaureate research program

Virginia Commonwealth University

Richmond, Virginia 23298-005

<mailto:rita.shiang at vcuhealth.org> rita.shiang at vcuhealth.org

Khiana Nelson

Research Education & Training Coordinator

Center on Health Disparities, School of Medicine

Virginia Commonwealth University

P.O. Box 98501

Richmond, VA 23219

Phone: (804)827-0719/ Fax: (804)628-9961

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