[Biostudent] (no subject)

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Mon Dec 19 10:45:15 PST 2022

We are hoping to boost undergraduate participation in the Mycological Society of America, and so we created awards to waive membership fees for a handful of applicants, if you see fit, can you send this to the undergraduate listserv?:

I'm the Postdoc chair for the Mycological Society of America's student board. MSA is a wonderful, welcoming organization with great, knowledgeable people. Being a part of it for the last 8 years has opened so many doors in my academic experience, and I look forward to the meeting every year. We are hoping to boost undergraduate participation in the society, and therefore we have created an award that would waive their membership fee for the year.

Would be greatly appreciated if you could pass the flyer and application link <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe6junld2H4ec_WryhsItAHnrTF7pLzfX273qUiuS8-R-za6w/viewform__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!gd_Z-mUH69dzjOLAsen87AACJed8S-uXPS6YtAbNbhg642UB-gqknYVAkBGNj9p8s-R8NFSpnjVYPXM$> on.

Thanks, Korena


Korena Mafune, PhD

2021 Washington Research Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow

Winkler Lab

University of Washington


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