[Biostudent] Undergrads interested in Public Service: Truman Scholarship now open

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Wed Jul 20 10:06:19 PDT 2022

Undergrads interested in Public Service: Truman Scholarship now open


I'm emailing today about the Harry S. Truman Scholarship open to U.S.
citizen students in their third year. If you know of students who have been
engaged in activism, service to their communities, and/or civic and
community leadership, please encourage them to apply for nomination.
Students who would be great candidates for these awards don't always think
of applying for nomination. Please share widely.

UW has a chance to nominate up to 7 students to be considered for this

The Truman Scholarship

* The Harry S. Truman Scholarship supports graduate education and
professional development of outstanding young people committed to public
service leadership.
* Open to U.S citizen students who are in their 3rd year.
* The award amount is $30,000 to go toward graduate education. Read
more about the Truman at www.truman.gov <http://www.truman.gov> .
* Apply for nomination for the Truman award online at
* Deadline: November 6

Read about UW
-activist-selected-as-truman-scholar/> 's Most Recent Truman Scholar!


Assistant Director, Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships & Awards

Mary Gates Hall 171 Box 352803 / Seattle, WA 98195-2803

emilys42 at uw.edu <mailto:emilys42 at uw.edu> /
<https://expd.uw.edu/scholarships> https://expd.uw.edu/scholarships /
shington.edu/bookings/> Schedule an appointment /

*Generally, I work remotely on Mondays and Thursdays.

Connect with OMSFA on social!


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