[Biostudent] Hiring student tutors for SAAS

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Wed Jul 20 13:40:15 PDT 2022

Hiring student tutors for SAAS


I hope summer is treating you well so far! My name is Corrine and I am the
Tutorial Coordinator for SAAS (Student-Athlete Academic Services). We are
currently looking to add highly motivated and talented student tutors to our
team for fall quarter. We are hiring for a broad range of subject areas
including, but not limited to, Biology, Chemistry, Accounting/Business,
Statistics, communication, and sociology.

UW students can view the job description and get directions on how to apply
through Handshake. We are accepting applications through September and will
review them on a rolling basis.

Job link: https://app.joinhandshake.com/emp/jobs/6457057 | Job

I would really appreciate it if you could help us recruit an outstanding and
diverse candidate pool by sharing this position with your students and/or
posting it on your department's job board! If there are any questions, you
can direct them to me, Corrine Hay at hayc25 at uw.edu <mailto:hayc25 at uw.edu>

Thank you!



Tutorial Coordinator and Academic Coordinator

University of Washington Athletics

102 Ackerley Academic Center

Seattle, WA 98195

hayc25 at uw.edu <mailto:hayc25 at uw.edu>

Book an appointment with me! <https://uw.retain.io/meet/shigetac>

Zoom meeting ID: 875-720-3948

c: (808)352-1775 | w: (206)543-2427

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