[Biostudent] Seats open in Autumn 2022 History courses! Don't forget to register!

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Wed Jun 8 09:59:53 PDT 2022

Dear Students,

Don't forget to register for Autumn 2022 courses! We encourage you to check
out the list of History department courses attached to this email. You can
find the Autumn 2022 Time Schedule with the full list of courses here:

Some suggestions for this Autumn include:

* HSTAM 111 The Ancient World (SLN: 16497) - I&S credits

* HSTAFM 152 Introduction to African History, c. 1880 - Present (SLN:
23352) - I&S and DIV credits

* HSTCMP 245 Exploration and Empire: The Art and Science of Global
Power, 1300-1800 (SLN: 16522) - I&S, DIV, and W optional credits

* HSTCMP 247 Global Health Histories: Colonial Medicine, Public
Health, and International Health in the Global South (SLN: 16523) - I&S,
DIV, and W optional credits

* HSTAS 327 China and the West in Historical Perspective, 1500 - 1976
(SLN: 16511) - I&S credits

* HSTLAC 185 Race, Gender, and Class in Latin America and the
Caribbean (SLN: 16538) - I&S, DIV, and W optional credits

* HSTAA 110 History of American Citizenship (SLN 16468) - I&S and DIV

* HSTAA 231 Race and American History (SLN: 16476) - I&S and DIV

* HSTEU 402 The Reformation (SLN: 23432) - I&S credits

Please don't hesitate to reach out to us at histadv at uw.edu
<mailto:histadv at uw.edu> with any questions you may have or schedule a
meeting with a History advisor here:

We also encourage you to check out the requirements for the History majors
(https://history.washington.edu/major) and minors
(https://history.washington.edu/minors). If you plan on teaching K-12
History and/or Social Studies, please make sure to look over the History and
Social Studies teaching endorsements, which you can learn about here:

Thank you!!

Shannon Vacek and Tracy Maschman Morrissey
History Undergraduate Advising

Diversity Minor Advising
University of Washington
Smith Hall 315
Box 353560
Seattle, WA 98195
vm: <tel:206.543.5691> 206.543.5691 fax: <tel:206.543.9451> 206.543.9451
<http://depts.washington.edu/history> depts.washington.edu/history


Please click here to schedule an advising appointment

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